[Cpex-cv-all] [EXTERNAL] Re: Posters at the CPEX-CV Science Team Meeting

Zawislak, Jonathan A jaz100 at rsmas.miami.edu
Tue Jul 5 05:37:55 PDT 2022

Good morning team,

Hope everyone had a restful, safe holiday weekend.

This is a reminder that we have more space for posters at the upcoming in-person Science Team Meeting. If you or someone on your team is interested in presenting a poster at the meeting, please let Ed N and I know by this Thursday.

Also, please take a look at the draft agenda for the Science Team Meeting <https://espo.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Draft%20CPEX-CV_22STM_Agenda.pdf>. If your plans for your presentation have changed, also let Ed N and I know this week. We would like to finalize the agenda for the meeting next week.


Jonathan Zawislak, PhD
Associate Scientist, UM/CIMAS, NOAA/AOML/HRD
4301 Rickenbacker Cswy
Miami, FL 33149
305-361-4403 (Office) — on telework, so use cell
302-383-9927 (Cell)

> On Jun 23, 2022, at 12:57 PM, Zawislak, Jonathan A <jaz100 at rsmas.miami.edu> wrote:
> Good morning/afternoon team,
> We currently have 5 posters on the list to present at the in-person CPEX-CV Science Team Meeting (July 18-21). We certainly have room to accommodate others, so if you or someone on your team is interested in putting a poster together for the meeting, we would be happy to add it to the schedule. In the draft agenda for the meeting, we have almost 2 hours worth of poster viewing opportunities. All of the oral slots are filled, so this is the format for adding additional presentations.
> If you’re interested, email Ed N and I about that interest by Thursday, July 7th with your preliminary title.
> Thanks,
> Jon and Ed N
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Jonathan Zawislak, PhD
> Associate Scientist, UM/CIMAS, NOAA/AOML/HRD
> 4301 Rickenbacker Cswy
> Miami, FL 33149
> 305-361-4403 (Office) — on telework, so use cell
> 302-383-9927 (Cell)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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