[Arcsix] [EXTERNAL] Reminder ARCSIX all-hands meeting

Sebastian Schmidt Sebastian.Schmidt at lasp.colorado.edu
Mon Mar 25 22:19:39 PDT 2024

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Dear ARCSIX team,

this is a reminder of the upcoming all-hands meeting (Tu, 3/26, 2pm ET), an important one because we will be discussing/reviewing logistics before we book flights, ship equipment etc.

Below is the list of topics:

Review spreadsheet for transportation to/from Greenland + housing status
C-130 and P-3 / G-III, as well as AMC flights; points of C-130 embarkment (Wallops and Albany)
Shipping. Please review the email from Stevie ("ARCSIX Shipping Schedule") from 3/13.

The shipping in particular is very important, with some deadlines coming right up (April 12 – see Stevie's email from 3/13). As for the C-130 flights: There will be two, of which the first one (5/21) is solely intended for cargo, the second (5/24) much less for cargo, maximizing the number of passengers. Therefore, please keep the cargo for the second C-130 flight at an absolute minimum and put whatever you can on the early shipment and the first C-130 run. We will be going through the plans of individual teams / aircraft to discuss some examples.

See you tomorrow –

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