[All] Taking cloud1 offline for 15 minutes today during business hours --- issues?

Chirica, Dan C. (ARC-SGP) dan.chirica at nasa.gov
Wed May 10 10:33:00 PDT 2023

Roy just sent a STAQS reminder so, this answer is no on shutting down Cloud1. I will reach out separately to the web dev team regarding Ozone.

Dan Chirica
Project Manager - Earth Science Project Office
NASA Ames Research Center
dan.c at nasa.gov<mailto:dan.c at nasa.gov>
+1 (650) 604-0436 (o)
+1 (650) 318-8257 (c)

From: Dan Chirica <dan.chirica at nasa.gov>
Date: Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at 9:40 AM
To: "all at espo.nasa.gov" <all at espo.nasa.gov>
Subject: Taking cloud1 offline for 15 minutes today during business hours --- issues?

Do you see any issues with me taking cloud1 offline for 10 to 15 minutes today, in about an hour, 1030 PT?

Sam and I could move two of our servers today, however, I need to handle some drives attached to cloud1 and don’t want to do it with the disks spinning. Please let me know if … no way, don’t do it!

Thank you.
Dan Chirica
Project Manager - Earth Science Project Office
NASA Ames Research Center
dan.c at nasa.gov<mailto:dan.c at nasa.gov>
+1 (650) 604-0436 (o)
+1 (650) 318-8257 (c)

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