[All] Lynn - April schedule

Kennedy, Lynn (ARC-SGP)[Bay Area Environmental Research Institute] lynn.kennedy at nasa.gov
Wed May 3 13:23:22 PDT 2023


I’ll be leaving early today to host the CAMP2Ex Webex from home.

This Friday 5/5 I head to Italy for AGAGE67; I’ll return Sunday 5/14. Please note:

  *   I will only have access to NASA email and Teams via computer while I’m traveling, so responses will be delayed (these apps will not be on my phone).
  *   I’m taking my BAER phone, so you’ll be able to reach me using text or WhatsApp at my regular phone number (in signature below).

I anticipate a quick survey trip to Salt Lake City 5/22-5/23.

Best regards,
Lynn Kennedy
Event/Project Coordinator
Earth Science Project Office (ESPO)
NASA Ames Research Center
Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAERI)
lynn.kennedy at nasa.gov<mailto:lynn.kennedy at nasa.gov>
+1.415.605.5264 Mobile/Whatsapp

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