[All] New version of FastTrack 2020 beta

Chirica, Dan C. (ARC-SGG) dan.chirica at nasa.gov
Tue Feb 16 19:58:04 PST 2021

Hello, there is a new beta version of FastTrack. Your old install will not work anymore. If you attempt to use you will get an error telling you the trial had expired.

Here's the link to the new version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XzWx-0RAj09JKXnaf7sQII-GI0PbeJNb/view?usp=sharing

Let me know if you need help or if you have any questions.

--Dan Chirica
Project Manager - Earth Science Project Office
NASA Ames Research Center
dan.c at nasa.gov
+1 (650) 604-0436
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