[All] Action: Please read this message and let me know if you need help. FW: Weird email

Chirica, Dan C. (ARC-SGG) dan.chirica at nasa.gov
Fri Feb 5 10:56:01 PST 2021


Please take a look at the message attached. I would like to identify who sent this message; it is not signed. Sommer, Leslie and Marilyn you don’t need to reply. It arrived yesterday. The person who sent the message might not realize that is sending emails from the ESPO-ALL account. If you are confused about this setup please reach out.


-- Dan Chirica
Project Manager – Earth Science Project Office
NASA Ames Research Center
dan.c at nasa.gov<mailto:dan.c at nasa.gov>
+1 (650) 604-0436

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From: ARC-ESPO <arc-espo at mail.nasa.gov>
Subject: Weird email
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2021 17:31:54 +0000
Size: 410407
URL: <http://espo.nasa.gov/pipermail/all/attachments/20210205/34c88e6a/attachment-0001.mht>

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