[All] Elevated Privileges Confirmation

Stanfill, Alex (ARC-SGG)[Bay Area Environmental Research Institute] alex.stanfill at nasa.gov
Mon Jul 27 15:46:02 PDT 2020

Good afternoon team,

When you have a moment this week, please verify that your Elevated Privileges (EP) are current. I am routinely called upon to look this up (quarterly I think) and report back on it to Code S. Dan and I both highly recommend that you set a reminder on your calendar to remind you to renew your EP. There are no automated reminders.

You can check when your EP is valid through:

  *   Go to https://nams.nasa.gov on a NASA-networked system
  *   Under Current Access look for “ARC ON-ACES workflow for Elevated Privileges”
     *   If you find it, click Modify Access next to it.
     *   If you do not see it on list, you do not have EP. Please complete the training and submit a request for EP ASAP.
  *   Scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for “Elevated Privileges STOP Date.”
     *   If that date is in the future, you have current valid EP through that date.
     *   If that date is today or in the past, you do not have EP. Please complete the training and submit a request for EP ASAP.

EP request instructions are here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bWL7wkccFLDAhbTJ9XSWlvo1DThtBL90aQyWIhGhdXU/edit?usp=sharing> (ESPO Share > HowTo’s > For your laptop > Software > Elevated Privileges (Admin Rights) – Request)

Thank you! Have a magnificent Monday,

Alex Stanfill
Earth Science Project Office
NASA Ames Research Center
Bay Area Environmental Research Institute
Bldg N232, Rm 242/032, MS 232-22
Moffett Field<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moffett_Federal_Airfield>, CA 94035-0001
Mobile: +1 650 680 8547
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