[All] FW: ANF

Vasques, Marilyn F. (ARC-SGG) marilyn.vasques at nasa.gov
Fri May 24 09:31:57 PDT 2019

Latest ANF.

From: "Lozano, Gabriel (ARC-JP)" <gabriel.lozano at nasa.gov>
Date: Friday, April 5, 2019 at 11:05 AM
To: Marilyn Vasques <marilyn.vasques at nasa.gov>
Subject: RE: ANF

Hello Marilyn –

First – hope that you have been well –

Attached is the most recent version of the ARC Contracts ANF.   I will not reject any of the old ANF as we truly don’t have a mechanism in place to ensure proper distribution of contractors form.   So – if you have folks that have completed the old form – that’s fine - - and - - if not, - then please have them complete the new form attached –

Let me know if you need anything more –

Gabe -

Gabriel Lozano
Protective Services & International Services Office
(Code JP)
NASA Ames Research Center
Mail Stop 15-1 / PO Box 1
Moffett Field, CA 94035-0001
Office (650)604-4450 / Cell (650) 833-9067
FAX 650-604-1957
Gabriel.Lozano at nasa.gov<mailto:Gabriel.Lozano at nasa.gov>

From: Vasques, Marilyn F. (ARC-SGG)
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2019 9:51 AM
To: Lozano, Gabriel (ARC-JP) <gabriel.lozano at nasa.gov>
Subject: ANF

Hello there!  We are starting to get organized for our big CAMP2Ex mission in the Philippines.  I’ve instructed all of my BAERI folks to fill out an ANF form and sent it to you.  It turns out we have 2 versions of the form that have slightly different formatting (but are dated the same).  Do you care? If so, please send me the latest version and I’ll pass it along.


-- Marilyn Vasques
ESPO Director
NASA Ames Research Center
MOBILE:  650-417-8796
OFFICE:  650-604-6120
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