[All] FW: NASA Academy of Program/Project Engineering Leadership (APPEL) FY19 Schedule Update

Vasques, Marilyn F. (ARC-SGG) marilyn.vasques at nasa.gov
Fri May 24 09:29:07 PDT 2019


From: Centerwide Announcement <no-reply at insideames.arc.nasa.gov>
Date: Wednesday, December 19, 2018 at 5:07 PM
To: ARC-cwdist <arc-cwdist at mail.nasa.gov>
Subject: NASA Academy of Program/Project Engineering Leadership (APPEL) FY19 Schedule Update

Centerwide Announcement<https://insideames.arc.nasa.gov>

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

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NASA Academy of Program/Project Engineering Leadership (APPEL) FY19 Schedule Update<https://insideames.arc.nasa.gov/tag_posts/nasa-academy-of-program-project-engineering-leadership-appel-fy19-schedule-update>

Directorate Announcement

The Ames Project EXcellence Development Program (APEX) in collaboration the NASA Academy of Program/Project Engineering Leadership Knowledge Services (APPEL-KS)<http://appel.nasa.gov/> has the following updates for FY19 courses at Ames.

The registration deadline for the APPEL-Crucial Accountability <https://appel.nasa.gov/course-catalog/appel-ssvv/> course in January is Thursday, January 3, 2019. Click here to register<https://hcm03.ns2cloud.com/sf/learning?destUrl=https%3a%2f%2fnasa%2dhcm03%2ens2cloud%2ecom%2flearning%2fuser%2fdeeplink%5fredirect%2ejsp%3flinkId%3dSCHEDULED%5fOFFERING%5fDETAILS%26scheduleID%3d95237%26fromSF%3dY&company=NASAHCM03>.  Through interactive in-class practice sessions, group discussions, and video examples, this course teaches project and team leads a straightforward step-by-step process for identifying and resolving threats to project success. By learning how to talk about violated expectations in a way that solves problems while improving relationships, participants will learn how to strengthen accountability while eliminating inconsistency, reducing resentment, and improving team and organizational effectiveness.

The APPEL-Requirements Development and Management<https://appel.nasa.gov/course-catalog/appel-req/> is now open for registration. This fundamental NASA course presents the participant with best practices that, when incorporated into the requirement development and management process, will help a project team develop a winning product--one that delivers what is needed, when it is needed, within the projected costs and with the expected quality. The course can be used by both Mission and Mission Support staff at NASA and comes highly recommended.

ARC FY19 NASA APPEL SCHEDULE: Please note: Civil servants have priority. Resident contractors admitted on a space-available basis. Logging into SATERN may be required. Once you register for a course, your request must pass through several levels of approval beginning with your immediate supervisor (or contract task manager for contractors). Please follow up with your supervisor to ensure they have approved your request in SATERN. Click here<https://appel.nasa.gov/curriculum/schedule-and-registration> to view the Registration Overview.

Course: APPEL-Crucial Accountability<https://appel.nasa.gov/course-catalog/appel-ca/>

Date: January 15-16, 2019

Click here to register<https://hcm03.ns2cloud.com/sf/learning?destUrl=https%3a%2f%2fnasa%2dhcm03%2ens2cloud%2ecom%2flearning%2fuser%2fdeeplink%5fredirect%2ejsp%3flinkId%3dSCHEDULED%5fOFFERING%5fDETAILS%26scheduleID%3d95237%26fromSF%3dY&company=NASAHCM03>

Registration Deadline: Thursday, January 3rd, 2019

Course: APPEL-Requirements Development and Management<https://appel.nasa.gov/course-catalog/appel-req/>

Date: February 12-14, 2019

Click here to register<https://hcm03.ns2cloud.com/sf/learning?destUrl=https%3a%2f%2fnasa%2dhcm03%2ens2cloud%2ecom%2flearning%2fuser%2fdeeplink%5fredirect%2ejsp%3flinkId%3dSCHEDULED%5fOFFERING%5fDETAILS%26scheduleID%3d95183%26fromSF%3dY&company=NASAHCM03>

Registration Deadline:  Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Course: APPEL-Performance Based Statement of Work<https://appel.nasa.gov/course-catalog/appel-pbsow/>

Date: May 21-22, 2019

Registration Opens Monday, January 21st, 2019

Registration Deadline: Tuesday, May 7th, 2019

Course: APPEL-Creativity & Innovation<https://appel.nasa.gov/course-catalog/appel-ci/>

Date: June 17-19, 2019

Registration Opens Monday, April 22nd, 2019

Registration Deadline: Monday, June 3, 2019

Course: APPEL-Managing Virtual Teams<https://appel.nasa.gov/course-catalog/appel-mvt/>

Date: July 23-24, 2019

Registration Opens Monday, April 22nd, 2019

Registration Deadline: Monday, July 8th, 2019

In addition to the release of the FY19 APPEL course schedule, below are some learning and development opportunities and/or e-mail lists you may be interested in.

The NESC Academy:<http://nescacademy.nasa.gov/> The NESC Academy provides a forum through which senior technical experts can teach critical competencies required to effectively accomplish the NASA mission. Our online lessons are delivered by discipline experts and provide the unique opportunity to share critical knowledge with broad audiences in a self-paced manner. Our library has over 600 lessons covering a variety of topics from 16 engineering disciplines available for NASA CS & contractors, with almost half of those available to the public, as well.  To join the mailing list, Click here<http://nescacademy.nasa.gov/> and click on the "Subscribe" button.

The NASA Virtual PM Challenge<http://www.nasa.gov/offices/oce/pmchallenge/index.html>:  The NASA Virtual PM Challenge is an inspiring and informative agency training event designed to examine current trends in program and project management.  To join the mailing list, click here<http://www.nasa.gov/offices/oce/pmchallenge/index.html> and click on the "Subscribe" button.

JSC PM&SE Forums:  Project Management (PM)/Systems Engineering (SE) knowledge-sharing events at JSC. To join the mailing list, please click here.<https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/listinfo/jsc-pm-se-forum> Forums can be watched on USTREAM<http://www.ustream.tv/channel/nasa-jsc>

If you need SATERN assistance, or more information about this and other APPEL courses, please contact Sarah Guillaudeu at ext. 4-5607, or sarah.s.guillaudeu at nasa.gov.

POC: Sarah S. Guillaudeu<mailto:sarah.s.guillaudeu at nasa.gov> (650.604.5607)

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