[All] FW: Maintenance Notice: Sat 5/4/19 for airbornescience.nasa.gov

Stanfill, Alex (ARC-SGG)[Bay Area Environmental Research Institute] alex.stanfill at nasa.gov
Fri May 3 14:08:43 PDT 2019

Correction: I ONLY sent Bruce the below maintenance notice (NOT the other notice which listed all the services).

The below notice was sent via BCC to:
bruce.a.tagg at nasa.gov;


Alex Stanfill
Earth Science Project Office
NASA Ames Research Center
Bay Area Environmental Research Institute
Bldg N232, Rm 263/MS 232-22
Moffett Federal Airfield<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moffett_Federal_Airfield>, CA 94035-0001
Mobile: +1 650 680 8547
Email: alex.stanfill at nasa.gov<mailto:alex.stanfill at nasa.gov>

From: "Stanfill, Alex (ARC-SGG)[Bay Area Environmental Research Institute]" <alex.stanfill at nasa.gov>
Date: Friday, May 3, 2019 at 2:05 PM
To: "Stanfill, Alex (ARC-SGG)[Bay Area Environmental Research Institute]" <alex.stanfill at nasa.gov>
Subject: Maintenance Notice: Sat 5/4/19 for airbornescience.nasa.gov

Good afternoon,

The airborncescience.nasa.gov website will be affected by network maintenance on Sat 5/4/19 starting at 8:00 AM (Pacific). Please ensure that you have closed out of any connections you have open to the service at least 10 minutes beforehand to prevent data loss.

The service should be back up in approximately 8 hours.

If you have feedback or would like to be removed from these maintenance notices, please feel free to reach out to us.
Have a wonderful weekend,

Alex Stanfill
Earth Science Project Office
NASA Ames Research Center
Bay Area Environmental Research Institute
Bldg N232, Rm 263/MS 232-22
Moffett Federal Airfield<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moffett_Federal_Airfield>, CA 94035-0001
Mobile: +1 650 680 8547
Email: alex.stanfill at nasa.gov<mailto:alex.stanfill at nasa.gov>
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