[All] Upcoming Schedule

Beddingfield, Sommer L. (ARC-SGG)[Bay Area Environmental Research Institute] sommer.l.beddingfield at nasa.gov
Tue Jul 17 09:06:40 PDT 2018

Hi All,

Here are my whereabouts for the next couple of weeks:
Today: Leaving at 10am
7/18-7/20: Telecommuting
7/23-7/24: Telecommuting
7/25-7/27: GSFC


Sommer Beddingfield
Earth Science Project Office
NASA Ames Research Center
(650) 604-5966 | (650) 450-7645 mobile
sommer.l.beddingfield at nasa.gov<mailto:sommer.l.beddingfield at nasa.gov>
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