[Agage-sc] [EXTERNAL] AGAGE website preview
Anita Ganesan
anita.ganesan at bristol.ac.uk
Mon Jun 24 12:20:35 PDT 2024
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As promised, here is the link to the new AGAGE website. This will not be the permanent URL but is the non-searchable temporary link that was created while we were migrating the old website and making changes. I have told NASA that we can go live once I’ve shared it with you.
I hope you agree that this first pass looks good. Almost all the content is the same as before, so if there were errors in any information before, that has been propagated. This includes the outdated publications list, which is our next job to tackle. Phase 2 will include data viewer/archive and Phase 3 some elements redesigned.
I was considering sending this to the whole AGAGE list but we need to push launching this given the current website issues, and I don’t want to delay further. Given the nearly identical content, my plan now is to go live and then continue making changes. I will write to the whole group after launch to compile further edits.
If you do want to make comments, here is an open link (completely accessible) to a word document where it would be easiest to write in your comments or any changes. I tend to lose track of lots of emails with minor changes so this would be easiest.
[?docx icon] website_edits_20240624.docx<https://uob-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/ag12733_bristol_ac_uk/EVipTrU1sy5JlEmrG8ddfIkBlFASWetTb0Ne9a2aJyJqyw?e=qMnYWG&xsdata=MDV8MDJ8YWdhZ2Utc2NAZXNwby5uYXNhLmdvdnxjN2VkNWJhYjdhOGI0NDE0ZDg2NTA4ZGM5NDgyYmViZnw3MDA1ZDQ1ODQ1YmU0OGFlODE0MGQ0M2RhOTZkZDE3YnwwfDB8NjM4NTQ4NTM2NDc4MTA2MDY2fFVua25vd258VFdGcGJHWnNiM2Q4ZXlKV0lqb2lNQzR3TGpBd01EQWlMQ0pRSWpvaVYybHVNeklpTENKQlRpSTZJazFoYVd3aUxDSlhWQ0k2TW4wPXwwfHx8&sdata=S1I5ZitUL2I3bFh2SVhxZXRSUHQxYVNMNFI0ZzRzOExwcHhIaFNnV2x3cz0%3d>
Please keep comments to minor ones at this stage so we can proceed with going live.
The final URL will be:
But we aim to get a redirect from the current MIT page…more on that.
Hope you like it,
Dr. Anita Ganesan
Associate Professor
School of Geographical Sciences
University of Bristol
Bristol, BS8 1SS, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 117 455 1545<tel:+441174551545>
Email: anita.ganesan at bristol.ac.uk<mailto:anita.ganesan at bristol.ac.uk>
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