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Atmospheric Tomography Mission
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ATom 06/25/16 Mission Daily Schedule

ATom Plan of the Day for June 26, 2016:

Sunday, 26 June
Lab access only. No aircraft access.

27 June - MMS, PALMS, AMP cloud probe, NOAA Picarro and TOGA teams arrive Bldg 703
29 June - AO2 and Medusa teams arrive Bldg 703

Sea container pack [06.25.16]

SAGA instrument on DC-8 [06.23.16]

Chelsea and Tom with NOyO3 [06.23.16]

After work at Big Tuna [06.22.16]

Pedro Campuzano-Jost on DC-8 [06.22.16]

Jim Elkins in Bldg 703 Lab [06.23.16]

ATom 06/24/16 Mission Daily Schedule

Saturday, 25 June

0700 - 1500: Aircraft access (please arrive promptly at 0700)
1300: Science upload meeting in the Lab


27 June - MMS, PALMS, AMP cloud probe, and TOGA teams arrive Bldg 703
29 June - AO2 and Medusa teams arrive Bldg 703

Notes and Reminders

ATom 06/22/16 Mission Daily Schedule

Thursday, 23 June

0630 - 1730: Aircraft access
1300: Science upload meeting in the Lab


24 June - Sea container leaves Palmdale for Christchurch; AMP team arrives Bldg 703
27 June - MMS, PALMS, and TOGA teams arrive Bldg 703
29 June - AO2 and Medusa teams arrive Bldg 703


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