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FIREX-AQ 08/31/19 Mission Daily Schedule

Saturday, 8/31 Accomplishments:
6th Salina Science Flight (20th) overall
Sunday, 9/1 Plans:
Hard Down Day
No forecast meeting
Monday, 9/2 Plans:
08:00     A/C Maintenance and No-power A/C access
10:00     Powered A/C access
11:00     Forecast/Flight Planning meeting
18:00     A/C closed
Monday is PACK DAY.

  • There will be a designated area for staging items that are packed and ready to ship.
  • Provide as many items as possible to the designated area, on Monday by COB. This should include all cylinders and hazardous items. Talk to Drew Thompson about exceptions.
  • All items due to the designated area by Wednesday, 1 pm.

If you are on transit, will return a Salina rental car the morning of September 5, and did NOT receive an email from me (Bernie) today (August 31), please email me.