Validation of Aura Microwaver Limb Sounder O 3 and CO observations in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere

Livesey, N.J., M. Filipiak, L. Froidevaux, W.G. Read, A. Lambert, J.H. Jiang, H.C. Pumphrey, J.W. Waters, R.E. Cofield, D.T. Cuddy, W.H. Daffer, B. Drouin, R.A. Fuller, R.F. Jarnot, Y.B. Jiang, B. Knosp, Q.B. Li, V.S. Perun, M.J. Schwartz, W.V. Snyder, P. Stek, R.P. Thurstans, P.A. Wagner, M.A. Avery, E. Browell, J.-P. Cammas, L. Christensen, G.S. Diskin, R. Gao, H. Jost, M. Loewennstein, J. Lopez, P. Nedelec, G. Osterman, G.W. Sachse, and C.R. Webster (2008), Validation of Aura Microwaver Limb Sounder O 3 and CO observations in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D15S02, doi:10.1029/2007JD008805.
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