
The NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) FireSense project is focused on delivering NASA’s unique Earth science and technological capabilities to operational agencies, striving towards measurable improvement in US wildland fire management. The NASA SMD FireSense project is part of a larger NASA wide Wildland Fire Initiative involving SMD, the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD), and the Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD).


The FireSense project includes an airborne science component with annual campaigns where improved capabilities and technologies will be evaluated, further developed, and ultimately demonstrated to agency stakeholders in a large capstone airborne campaign in year 5 of the project (2027-2028).


Through initial stakeholder engagement activities, which are summarized in a NASA white paper (NASA 2022 stakeholder white paper), the FireSense project is targeting four uses-cases focused on characterization and measurement of (i) pre-fire fuels conditions, (ii) active fire dynamics, (iii) post fire impacts and threats, and (iv) air quality impacts and forecasting, each co-developed with identified stakeholders.


For FireSense details,