96/04/17 CART site activity
Meteorology at the Central Facility
Weather Conditions from Site Operators Log
Visiting Instruments at Central Facilities
Active Measurement Instruments
- ETL - CO2 doppler lidar: 21:00-22:00
- UoU - Polarization Diversity Lidar (PDL): X
- UoU - 95 GHz scanning cloud radar: X
- PSU - 94 GHz vertical cloud radar: 15:00-00:00 (overnight)
- UMa - 95 GHz scanning cloud radar: 15:00-16:00, 21:00, 23:00-00:00
Passive Measurement Instruments
- NOA - total and diffuse radiometers: X
- NOA - Epply cavity radiometers: X
- SCR - solar radiometers: X
- ARC - SPectral Flux Radiometer (SPFR): 13:00-20:00
- ARC - Digital Array Scanning Interferometer (DASI): X
- ASD - FieldSpec FR full range radiometer: X
- DeU - Absolute Solar Trans. Interferometer: 16:00-21:00
- CSI - IR Radiometer: X
- GSF - triple MWR system: X
- PNL - wide-view camera and time-lapse VCR: X
- BNL - CSPOT, Cimel Sun/sky PhOTometer: All day
CART Instrument Operations at Central Facilities
Key: O = operational, X = down or degraded
- RASS, 50 MHz, (hourly): X
- RASS, 915 MHz, (hourly): O
- SMOS, (24 hrs): O
- SWATS (24 hrs): O
- EBBR, (24 hrs): O
- WSI, (every 10 min.) X
- MWR, (24 hrs): O
- IRT: X
- MPL, (24 hrs): X
- BLC, (24 hrs): O
- AERI, (24 hrs): O
- SORTI, (daytime, sunny): O
- Raman Lidar (daytime): X
- 60M Temperature and Humidity: O
- 25M Temperature and Humidity: O
- 25M IRT: X
- 25M MultiFilter Radiometer: X
- 25M Upwelling IR: X
- 25M Upwelling Solar: X
- 10M MultiFilter Radiometer: O
- 10M IRT: O
- Aerosol System: X
- Radiosondes, (Every 3 hrs, from 1:30 UTC): O
CART Instrument Operations at Boundary Facilities
There are four staffed Boundary Facilities, each having Balloon Borne Sounding Systems (BBSS) and MicroWave Radiometers (MWR). During the IOP period, sondes are launched every three hours round the clock, starting at 5:30 GMT (12:30 CST). The sites are listed below. Times listed following a site indicate questionable data or failed sonde launches. Weather conditions are recorded in the Boundary Facilities Site Operator's Log.
- Hillsboro, KS (BF-1): Okay
- Vici, OK (BF-4): Okay
- Morris, OK (BF-5): Okay
- Purcell, OK (BF-6): Okay
CART Instrumentation at Extended Facilities
There are numerous unstaffed Extended Facilities. The specific instrumentation at the extended facilities varies from site to site, but generally includes a flux station (either an Energy Balance Bowen Ration (EBBR) system or an Eddy Correlation (ECOR) system), a Solar and InfraRed Observing System (SIROS), and a Standard Meteorology Observing Station (SMOS). For the locations of the Extended Facilities, and their suite of instrumentation, see the table and map of the Extended CART site. The comments below indicate specific data streams with identified problems.
- Problem at Extended Facility:
- E1: ECOR
- E10: SIROS
- E16: ECOR