77,1001 Project Office NSRC - National Suborbital Research Center N426NA Meteorological and Navigation Facility Instrumentation ORACLES 2016 1,1 2016,09,12,2019,12,31 1 Start_UTC,seconds 34 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 -9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999,-9999 Day_Of_Year, day beginning Jan 1 Latitude, deg Longitude, deg GPS_Altitude, m (height above mean sea level WGS84) Pressure_Altitude, ft Radar_Altitude, ft Ground_Speed, m/s True_Air_Speed, kts Indicated_Air_Speed, kts Mach_Number, mach Vertical_Speed, m/s True_Heading, deg (0-360, cw from +y) Track_Angle, deg (0-360, cw from +y) Drift_Angle, deg (+-180, cw from +y) Pitch_Angle, deg (+-180, up+) Roll_Angle, deg (+-180, rt+) Static_Air_Temp, degrees Celcius Potential_Temp, Kelvin Dew_Point, degrees Celcius Total_Air_Temp, degrees Celcius IR_Surf_Temp, degrees Celcius Static_Pressure, hPa Cabin_Pressure, hPa Wind_Speed, m/s (restricted to where Roll_Angle <= 5 deg & Wind_Speed > 1 m/s) Wind_Direction, deg (0-360, cw from +y) Solar_Zenith_Angle, deg Aircraft_Sun_Elevation, deg Sun_Azimuth, deg Aircraft_Sun_Azimuth, deg Mixing_Ratio, g/kg Part_Press_Water_Vapor, hPa Sat_Vapor_Press_H2O, hPa Sat_Vapor_Press_Ice, hPa Relative_Humidity, percent (with respect to water) 0 29 PI_CONTACT_INFO: Melissa Yang Martin, m.yang@baeri.org Platform: Wallops P-3 N426NA LOCATION: Included in data records ASSOCIATED_DATA: This flight represents Oracles 2016 science flight #8 out of Walvis Bay, Namibia. See Oracles archive on ESPO data archive at https://espoarchive.nasa.gov/archive/browse/oracles/ INSTRUMENT_INFO: Position, attitude, ground speed, and vertical speed from UNS-1Fw Wind_Speed and Wind_Direction calculated from UNS-1Fw, Sperry AZ-800 Radar_Altitude from APN-232 Total_Air_Temperature from Rosemount 102 type non-deiced probe SN# 3204 and Rosemount 0510 signal conditioner SN# 217 IR_Surface_Temp from KT-19.85II SN# 3425 Cabin_Pressure from MKS Baratron 220DA SN# 016475262 Dew_Point and calculated water vapor parameters from Edgetech 137 Vigilant hygrometer Pressure_Altitude, Indicated_Air_Speed, True_Air_Speed, Mach_Number, Static_Pressure from Sperry AZ-800, DATA_INFO: For platform information, please visit the Airborne Science P3-B Experimenter Handbook at https://airbornescience.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/P-3B%20Experimenter%20Handbook%20548-HDBK-0001.pdf; UNCERTAINTY: NONE,0,5m SEP,5m SEP,5m SEP,150 ft,2 ft +/- 2%,0.015 m/s, 8 kts at 70 kts & 4 kts for 150