Evaluation of a Statistical Model of Cloud Vertical Structure Using Combined CloudSat and CALIPSO Cloud Layer Profiles

Rossow, W., and Y. Zhang (2010), Evaluation of a Statistical Model of Cloud Vertical Structure Using Combined CloudSat and CALIPSO Cloud Layer Profiles, J. Climate, 23, 6641-6653, doi:10.1175/2010JCLI3734.1.

A model of the three-dimensional distribution of clouds was developed from the statistics of cloud layer occurrence from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) and the statistics of cloud vertical structure (CVS) from an analysis of radiosonde humidity profiles. The CVS model associates each cloud type, defined by cloud-top pressure of the topmost cloud layer and total column optical thickness, with a particular CVS. The advent of satellite cloud radar (CloudSat) and lidar [Cloud–Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO)] measurements (together C&C) of CVS allows for a quantitative evaluation of this statistical model. The zonal monthly-mean cloud layer distribution from the ISCCP CVS agrees with that from C&C to within 10% (when normalized to the same total cloud amount). The largest differences are an overestimate of middle-level cloudiness in winter polar regions, an overestimate of cloud-top pressures of the highest-level clouds, especially in the tropics, and an underestimate of low-level cloud amounts over southern midlatitude oceans. A more severe test of the hypothesized relationship is made by comparing CVS for individual satellite pixels. The agreement of CVS is good for isolated low-level clouds and reasonably good when the uppermost cloud layer is a high-level cloud; however, the agreement is not good when the uppermost cloud layer is a middle-level cloud, even when ISCCP correctly locates cloud top. An improved CVS model combining C&C and ISCCP may require classification at spatial scales larger than individual satellite pixels.

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