ARISE Shipping

If you need to ship to WFF please use the address bellow. Make sure to provide instrument/group name or POC.

NASA Wallops Flight Facility
Attn: AIRTEC Inc. c/o Freddie Bynum
ARISE/[Instrument name or POC]
Bldg. N-159
Wallops Island, VA 23337
Phone: 757-854-4610


Wedgewood Resort Hotel

Attn: Your Name
Wedgewood Resort Hotel
212 Wedgewood Drive Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 USA

Eielson Air Force Base

Eielson Air Force Base
NASA - ARISE/[Instrument name or POC]
Thunder-Dome Hangar
2511 Flightline Avenue
Eielson Air Force Base, AK 99702-1698