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ORACLES 09/19/16 Mission Daily Schedule

Monday, Sept. 19  Hard Down Day
Some Tour Suggestions from Nicky:

Chris Living Desert tour 0811275070
Tommy Living Desert Tour 0811281038
Charlys Desert Tours 064404341
Sandwich harper - Pieter 812433437 - birds and such

Shuttle schedule

Hotel to Walvis Bay Waterfront - 2 seats left 0700 pickup and 1245 return  
Hotel to airport:   9am, 10am, 1pm
Airport to Hotel:  2pm, 3pm

Tuesday, Sept. 20
Weather Briefing and Go/No-Go Meeting 0530
Forecast/flight planning meeting: 8am

P-3 Science Flight #11:

0615    Crew Show/Hands-On
0745    Doors Close 
0805    Engine Start
0815    Earliest Takeoff
1600    Landing (~8-hour duration)
1630    Debrief
1600    Hands-On
1700    Hands-Off

ER-2 Science Flight #6:

0530    Hands-On                
0600    Preflight Brief           
0630    Hands-Off/Tow         
0830    Engine Start             
0900    Take-Off                  
1700    Landing Approx 1700 (8 hour flight)
+0030  Debrief After Landing 
+0100  Hands-On After Landing
+0200  Hands-Off After Landing 
Shuttle Schedule to be determined

ESPO contacts
ESPO 1 (Kent) Namibia cell - local 081 8162205 / international +264 818162205
Kent US cell - +1 (650) 336-3127
ESPO 2 (Susan) Namibia cell - local 081 8557428 / international +264 818557428
Susan US cell - +1 (650) 996-9335 or +1 (312) 804-1055
Jens - +1 (650) 318-8407