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ORACLES 09/16/16 Mission Daily Schedule

Friday, Sept. 16

P-3 & ER-2 flight day (RF - Routine Flight)

Go/No-Go Meeting 0530
Forecast/flight planning meeting: 0800

Hands-On                 0530
Preflight Brief            0600
Hands-Off/Tow          0630
Engine Start              0830
Take-Off                   0900
Landing Approx 1700 (8 hour flight)
Debrief                    +0030 after Landing
Hands-On                +0100 after Landing
Hands-Off                +0200 after Landing

Hands-On  0700
Hands-Off  0300

Shuttle schedule

Hotel to airport:
4:30 am
5:00 am
5:30 am
6:00 am (2 shuttles)
7:00 am 
8:00 am 
10:00 am
4:30 pm 
Airport to Hotel: 
9:45 am
10:30 am 
3:00 pm
4:00 pm
6:30 pm 
7:00 pm
7:30 pm 
8:00 pm (or until the last person is off the plane who needs the shuttle)