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Imaging of Earthquake Faults using Small UAVs as a Pathfinder for Air and Space...

Ansar, A., J. Aletky, M. Glasscoe, and R. Arrowsmith (2019), Imaging of Earthquake Faults using Small UAVs as a Pathfinder for Air and Space Observations Andrea Donnellan, Joseph Green,, 2017 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 1-7.

Large earthquakes cause billions of dollars in damage and extensive loss of life and property. Geodetic and topographic imaging provide measurements of transient and long-term crustal deformation needed to monitor fault zones and understand earthquakes. Earthquake-induced strain and rupture characteristics are expressed in topographic features imprinted on the landscapes of fault zones. Small UAVs provide an efficient and flexible means to collect multi-angle imagery to reconstruct fine scale fault zone topography and provide surrogate data to determine requirements for and to simulate future platforms for air- and space-based multi-angle imaging.


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Research Program: 
Earth Surface & Interior Program (ESI)