Disclaimer: This material is being kept online for historical purposes. Though accurate at the time of publication, it is no longer being updated. The page may contain broken links or outdated information, and parts may not function in current web browsers. Visit https://espo.nasa.gov for information about our current projects.


IMPACTS 02/06/20 Mission Daily Schedule

Note the new time for Mission Brief (Go/No-go call) at 0215 EST


Plan of the day for Friday, February 07


  • For the long-term (forecasting and science) tentative plans, please refer to the Daily Science plan.
  • Project website: https://espo.nasa.gov/impacts
  • Project data catalog: http://impacts.atmos.washington.edu/
  • The t-shirts are here!!  Wallops: Come and get yours with Dan. Hunter: They are being shipped
  • All times are EST


IMPACTS General 


Friday, Feb 07

09:00-10:00: Daily Briefing (Wallops W162; Webex/Telecon)


Saturday, Feb 08

09:00-10:00: Daily Briefing (Wallops W162; Webex/Telecon)


IMPACTS P-3 - Wallops  


Friday, Feb 07

Science flight #5

0430 Show Up

0600 Door Close

0630 Take Off

1400 RTB (7.5h flight)

1415 Post-flight debrief


Saturday, Feb 08



IMPACTS ER-2 - Hunter 


Friday, Feb 07

Science flight #5

0215 - Hands on/Mission Brief
0315 - Hands Off
0515 - Takeoff

1315 - Landing


Saturday, Feb 08

Hard-down Day


ESPO Crew on Deck

Wallops: Dan Chirica  (650 318-8257), Caitlin Murphy  (650-680-7732)

Hunter  Bernie Luna (650 417-8810)

IMPACTS Webex telecon : +844 467 4685  code: 804464#