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Associated content: 

The hardworking DC8 maintenance team

ASIA-AQ 03/07/24 Mission Daily Schedule

ASIA-AQ Plan of the Day
Thursday, March 7, 2024 (all times are KST)
Shuttle Schedule
ITT Shuttle 
0700 to 0845
Departs main gate (0700, 0730, 0800, 0830)
Departs 1187 (0715, 0745, 0815, 0845)
1615 - 1800
Departs main gate (1615, 1645, 1715, 1745)
Departs 1187 (1630, 1700, 1730, 1800)

DC-8 engine swap begins

ASIA-AQ 03/06/24 Mission Daily Schedule

ASIA-AQ Plan of the Day
Wednesday, March 6, 2024 (all times are KST)
Shuttle Schedule
ITT Shuttle 
0700 to 0845
Departs main gate (0700, 0730, 0800, 0830)
Departs 1187 (0715, 0745, 0815, 0845)
1615 - 1800
Departs main gate (1615, 1645, 1715, 1745)
Departs 1187 (1630, 1700, 1730, 1800)

Philippines group picture 02

Philippines group picture 01

Philippines Media Day_19

Philippines Media Day_18

Philippines Media Day_16


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