Daily Schedule

BioSCape Plan of the Day

Monday, 19 November (All times local)

  • πŸ¦ƒ You are warmly invited to the BioSCape Thanksgiving dinner event hosted at Barristers in Newlands on Thursday, 23 November at 1800. Please review the menu in the link below and RSVP, indicating your dietary requirements and any plus ones you'd like to bring. The cost of the set menu is R280 pp (about $15). Everyone will receive their own bill (and alcohol can be billed separately if you prefer). We look forward to spending the holiday with you! πŸ¦ƒ
    1. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdOMKpLc4yb0rDfxQoMdFcMiZt5yaHbpICZcfhdzI6WxZPhpA/viewform?usp=sf_link

0900 -- Go/No-go call at SSUN 
0930 -- SSUN to FBO 
1145 -- FBO to SSUN 
TBD (Land – 1 hour) -- SSUN to FBO 
1400 -- Forecasting Meeting at SSUN 
TBD (Land + 1 hour) -- FBO to SSUN 

G-III Flight Plans:
Highest priority:
M1_L10 @ FL 170 - re-fly, run long on East 
M1 L05-L02 @ FL 170 & M5 L01-L08  @ FL 170 - please combine as needed to be efficient. Priority is North to South. Run all M1 lines long on east.
C lines @ FL 170 in order of priority 
C51 - run long to the south 
G3_19 FL at crew discretion



Key Personnel WhatsApp Contact Info:
  • Anabelle Cardoso, UB/UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 72 055 9025
  • Adam Wilson, UB, Mission Scientist, +1 240 979 7404
  • Erin Hestir, UCM, Mission Scientist, +1 510 263 6347
  • Jasper Slingsby, UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 83 406 0581
  • Dan Chirica, NASA ESPO, Project Manager, +1 925 640 0463
  • Stevie Phothisane, NASA ESPO, Deputy PM/Logistics, +1 707 772 9683
  • Roy Johnson, NASA ESPO, Site Support, +1 650 623 7539

Photos: Please upload any photos you would like to share with the team to this album.  (https://photos.app.goo.gl/T1JHNS974U1Zanko8)

Meeting Links:
0900 Go/No-Go:
Meeting ID: 216 602 645 079
Passcode: LPgE6t
Or call in (audio only)
+1 256-715-9946,,251693523# United States
+27 21 834 5594,,251693523# South Africa

1400 Forecasting & Flight Planning: β€œhttps://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZWU5NjBiZWItNmM0Zi00ZDdlLTg0NWItNDAyYjM5NzhjMmMx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%227005d458-45be-48ae-8140-d43da96dd17b%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22a3f984ad-d1a0-4be1-885c-939efbcb3c1d%22%7d” 
Meeting ID: 238 608 860 280 
Passcode: jxRKdQ 
Or call in (audio only)
+1 256-715-9946,,992489477# United States
+27 21 834 5594,,992489477# South Africa

BioSCape Plan of the Day

Sunday, 19 November (All times local)

  • πŸ¦ƒ You are warmly invited to the BioSCape Thanksgiving dinner event hosted at Barristers in Newlands on Thursday, 23 November at 1800. Please review the menu in the link below and RSVP, indicating your dietary requirements and any plus ones you'd like to bring. The cost of the set menu is R280 pp (about $15). Everyone will receive their own bill (and alcohol can be billed separately if you prefer). We look forward to spending the holiday with you! πŸ¦ƒ

Schedule: Hard Down Day 
1400 -- Forecasting Meeting at SSUN 

Key Personnel WhatsApp Contact Info:
  • Anabelle Cardoso, UB/UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 72 055 9025
  • Adam Wilson, UB, Mission Scientist, +1 240 979 7404
  • Erin Hestir, UCM, Mission Scientist, +1 510 263 6347
  • Jasper Slingsby, UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 83 406 0581
  • Dan Chirica, NASA ESPO, Project Manager, +1 925 640 0463
  • Stevie Phothisane, NASA ESPO, Deputy PM/Logistics, +1 707 772 9683
  • Roy Johnson, NASA ESPO, Site Support, +1 650 623 7539

Photos: Please upload any photos you would like to share with the team to this album.  (https://photos.app.goo.gl/T1JHNS974U1Zanko8)

1400 Forecasting & Flight Planning:
Meeting ID: 238 608 860 280 
Passcode: jxRKdQ 
Or call in (audio only)
+1 256-715-9946,,992489477# United States
+27 21 834 5594,,992489477# South Africa

BioSCape Plan of the Day

Friday, 17 November (All times local)

Β·       πŸ¦ƒ You are warmly invited to the BioSCape Thanksgiving dinner event hosted at Barristers in Newlands on Thursday, 23 November at 1800. Please review the menu in the link below and RSVP, indicating your dietary requirements and any plus ones you'd like to bring. The cost of the set menu is R280 pp (about $15). Everyone will receive their own bill (and alcohol can be billed separately if you prefer). We look forward to spending the holiday with you! πŸ¦ƒ
o   https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdOMKpLc4yb0rDfxQoMdFcMiZt5yaHbpICZcfhdzI6WxZPhpA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Β·       The BioSCape public lecture and pre-event networking reception will be held on 17 November starting at 1800 and is open to everyone. Location will be at the New Lecture Theatre, UCT Upper Campus. Link to RSVP is below. 
o   https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf3tsLgZK2QwfbyzD_07H8R1z4NqBWJtJBCZQebRzRQy_dptg/viewform

0930 -- Go/No-go call at SSUN  
1000 -- SSUN to FBO
1200 -- G-III TO (Science Flight #17) 
1400 -- Forecasting Meeting at SSUN 
~Land+1hr -- FBO to SSUN (shuttle will be determined after RTB)
1730 -- SSUN to UCT New Lecture Theater 
TBD -- SSUN to UCT (2nd shuttle for fliers to UCT if RTB is late)
1800 -- BioSCape Public Lecture/Networking Reception  
1800 -- SSUN to CPT Departure (Flight UA2223)
~2100 -- UCT to SSUN

G-III Plan:

Plan A
M4_L01-L08 @ FL 210 
*please run lines long on east side 
*priority is L01 to L08 in order
G3_30 L01-L02 @ FL210
C42_L01 @ FL210 timing and approach at crew discretion 
G3_19 (buoy) @ FL crew discretion

Plan B
C24_L01 @ FL170 timing and approach at crew discretion 
C25_L01 @ FL170 timing and approach at crew discretion 
M3 L11-L01 @ FL 170 * preferred in that order
G3_30_L01-L02 @ FL 210
G3_19 (buoy) @ FL crew discretion

Β·       New arrivals, please remember to complete the BioSCape Check-in form.
o   https://forms.gle/b1oxtZjXxHvP7ZTv8
Β·       Please join our WhatsApp groups: BioSCape Broadcast (https://chat.whatsapp.com/B8lYD6nD2AF9LezJB3XhSf) and the optional BioSCape Social (https://chat.whatsapp.com/FQSuFbhH5hxEv7HFH6N0Ff) group.
Β·       If you travel commercially and would like ESPO to organize transportation to/from the airport from the Southern Suns, please use the form below. Also, please remind anyone from ESPO at least a day in advance before your arrival/departure so we can check your shuttle appointments and confirm with the driver.
o   https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScY92oeKNje8zj4HnMPE-U1nIE6cW--Ie68TF0eJ1YkHcH_GQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
Β·       A reminder that all relevant links (Windy, Rules of the Road, Go/No-Go call notes, Visions etc) are available on our internal team website (team.bioscape.io). If you cannot access the internal team site and would like to, please send Anabelle your Google-linked email address and she will add you. 
Β·       Reminder that we have an anonymous feedback and incident reporting form available. 

Key Personnel WhatsApp Contact Info:
Β·       Anabelle Cardoso, UB/UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 72 055 9025
Β·       Adam Wilson, UB, Mission Scientist, +1 240 979 7404
Β·       Erin Hestir, UCM, Mission Scientist, +1 510 263 6347
Β·       Jasper Slingsby, UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 83 406 0581
Β·       Dan Chirica, NASA ESPO, Project Manager, +1 925 640 0463
Β·       Stevie Phothisane, NASA ESPO, Deputy PM/Logistics, +1 707 772 9683
Β·       Roy Johnson, NASA ESPO, Site Support, +1 650 623 7539

Photos: Please upload any photos you would like to share with the team to this album.  (https://photos.app.goo.gl/T1JHNS974U1Zanko8)

Meeting Link:
0930 Go/No-Go:
Meeting ID: 216 602 645 079
Passcode: LPgE6t
Or call in (audio only)
+1 256-715-9946,,251693523# United States
+27 21 834 5594,,251693523# South Africa

1400 Forecasting & Flight Planning: β€œhttps://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZWU5NjBiZWItNmM0Zi00ZDdlLTg0NWItNDAyYjM5NzhjMmMx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%227005d458-45be-48ae-8140-d43da96dd17b%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22a3f984ad-d1a0-4be1-885c-939efbcb3c1d%22%7d” 
Meeting ID: 238 608 860 280 
Passcode: jxRKdQ 
Or call in (audio only)
+1 256-715-9946,,992489477#  United States
+27 21 834 5594,,992489477#  South Africa

BioSCape Plan of the Day

Thursday, 16 November (All times local)

  • πŸ¦ƒ You are warmly invited to BioSCape Thanksgiving dinner event hosted at Barristers in Newlands from 6pm on Thursday, 23 November. Please review the menu in the google doc below and RSVP, indicating your dietary requirements and any plus ones you'd like to bring. The cost of the set menu is R280 pp (about $15). Everyone will receive their own bill (and alcohol can be billed separately if you prefer). We look forward to spending the holiday with you! πŸ¦ƒ

a.              https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdOMKpLc4yb0rDfxQoMdFcMiZt5yaHbpICZcfhdzI6WxZPhpA/viewform?usp=sf_link

  • There will be a BioSCape public lecture and pre-event networking reception starting at 6pm on 17 November that everyone is invited to attend. Location will be at the New Lecture Theatre, UCT Upper Campus. Link to RSVP is below - capacity will be on a first come first serve basis.

a.              https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf3tsLgZK2QwfbyzD_07H8R1z4NqBWJtJBCZQebRzRQy_dptg/viewform

0530 -- SSUN to FBO 
0600 -- FBO to SSUN 
0630 -- SSUN to FBO 
0700 -- SSUN to FBO
0700 -- Go/No-go call at SSUN  
0845 -- FBO to SSUN 
0930 -- FBO to SSUN 
1200 -- SSUN to FBO 
1400 -- Forecasting Meeting at SSUN 
~1415 -- FBO to SSUN

G-III Plan:

Plan A (new lines!): 
Science objective: The priority here is the mosaic box, the coastal lines are secondary and we hope wont take too much time and can be done on the way.

G3_19 (buoy) @ FL crew discretion

C42_L01 (coastal) @ FL170
C46_L01 (coastal)  @ FL170
C50_L01 (coastal)  @ FL170

M1_L01 to M1_L13 (garden route mosaic, highest priority lines are L02-L10, the others are only if you have time) @ FL 180

C45_L01 (coastal) @ FL170
C44_L01 (coastal, slime it in!) @ FL170
C41_L01 (coastal) @ FL170

G3_25 (flux tower, on the way home if you have time) @ FL crew discretion

Plan B (new lines!): 
Science objective: Mosaic box to complete coverage. Also doing box 30, which we haven’t picked up yet.

G3_19 (buoy) @ FL crew discretion

G3_30 (two little lines) @ FL 210

M5_L01-L11 (L11 is higher priority, then work inland) @170

G3_25 (flux tower, on the way home if you have time) @ FL crew discretion



Key Personnel WhatsApp Contact Info:
  • Anabelle Cardoso, UB/UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 72 055 9025
  • Adam Wilson, UB, Mission Scientist, +1 240 979 7404
  • Erin Hestir, UCM, Mission Scientist, +1 510 263 6347
  • Jasper Slingsby, UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 83 406 0581
  • Dan Chirica, NASA ESPO, Project Manager, +1 925 640 0463
  • Stevie Phothisane, NASA ESPO, Deputy PM/Logistics, +1 707 772 9683
  • Roy Johnson, NASA ESPO, Site Support, +1 650 623 7539

Photos: Please upload any photos you would like to share with the team to this album.  (https://photos.app.goo.gl/T1JHNS974U1Zanko8)

Meeting Link:
0700 Go/No-Go:
Meeting ID: 216 602 645 079
Passcode: LPgE6t
Or call in (audio only)
+1 256-715-9946,,251693523# United States
+27 21 834 5594,,251693523# South Africa

1400 Forecasting & Flight Planning: β€œhttps://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZWU5NjBiZWItNmM0Zi00ZDdlLTg0NWItNDAyYjM5NzhjMmMx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%227005d458-45be-48ae-8140-d43da96dd17b%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22a3f984ad-d1a0-4be1-885c-939efbcb3c1d%22%7d” 
Meeting ID: 238 608 860 280 
Passcode: jxRKdQ 
Or call in (audio only)
+1 256-715-9946,,992489477#  United States
+27 21 834 5594,,992489477#  South Africa

BioSCape Plan of the Day

Wednesday, 15 November (All times local)


0500 -- SSUN to FBO (8-9 pax) GIII team 
0600 -- SSUN to FBO (~2 Pax) GV Mx
0630 -- FBO to SSUN (1 Pax) GV Mx
0630 -- G3 Go/No-go call at SSUN  
0700 -- GV Go/No-go call at SSUN   
0700 -- GIII Takeoff (SF# 15) - flight plan below*
0730 -- SSUN to FBO (~3 Pax) GV crew
0730 -- FBO to SSUN - GIII MX (2-3 pax)
0900 -- GV Takeoff (SF# 16) - flight plan below**
0930 -- FBO to SSUN (2 Pax) GV Mx
1100 -- SSUN to FBO - GIII MX (2 pax)
TBD (GIII landing + 1hr) ~1230 (8-9 Pax) GIII Team
1330 -- SSUN to FBO (2 Pax) GV Mx
1400 -- Forecasting Meeting at SSUN 
TBD  (GV landing + 30’) ~1530 FBO to SSUN (3 Pax) GV crew
1800 -- SSUN to FBO (1 Pax) GV Mx
1830 -- FBO to SSUN (2 Pax) GV Mx

*G-III Science objectives:

Science Objectives: Box 17 is a high priority aquatic target with early solar window.  There are two buoys and potentially one boat in the water.  Boxes 14 and 13 are terrestrial targets that had cloudy acquisitions previously.  Box 30 is another terrestrial target that has not yet been flown.  Box 19 is a calibration buoy in a lake.

Plan A: 
TO: NET 0700
G3_box17_AM: L04, L03, L02, L01 in that priority order 
(on target NET 7:45, NLT 9:36) @ FL370
G3_14 (pickup): L01-L04 @ FL160
G3_13_L01 (pickup) @ FL160 (if there's time)
G3_30:  L01-L02 @ FL210 (if there’s time)
G3_19_PM @ FL at discretion

Plan B (lines can be flown in any order with a priority on Box 29 & 19):
TO: Delayed to 0845
G3_29: L01-L13 (Kogelberg) @ FL160 NET 0900
G3_30:  L01-L02 @ FL210
G3_13_L01 @ FL160 (if there’s time)
G3_14: L01-L04 @ FL160 (if there’s time)
G3_7_L04 @FL160 (if there’s time)
G3_19_PM @ FL at discretion

**G-V Science objectives:

Science Priorities: 1) G5_12 (both HyTES & LVIS) which has vegetation plots throughout and 2) clean up lines on G5_7, which also has vegetation plots throughout.  This plan also includes passing over the calibration buoy.

G5_25: R500AZ @ FL 170 or at discretion of team
G5_19: D950AZ @ FL 170 or at discretion of team
G5_12 LVIS: D204AZ-D219AZ @ FL240
G5_12 HYTES: D251AZ-D255AZ @ FL170          
G5_7 HYTES: B750AZ-B754AZ @ FL170 (will likely not have time but just in case)
G5_2 LVIS: B220AZ-B227AZ @ FL 240 (will likely not have time but just in case)
G5_19 HYTES: D950AZ @ FL 170 or at discretion of team (only if you didn’t get it in the morning)

G5_2 HYTES: H650AZ-H657AZ @ FL 160 (higher priority)
G5_2 LVIS: B220AZ-B227AZ @ FL 240 (lower priority, do as many as you can)
G5_2 LVIS: B228AZ-B235AZ @ FL 240  (lower priority, do as many as you can)
G5_19 HYTES: D950AZ @ FL at crew discretion
LVIS RNP can be done over ocean whenever you find a chance.



Key Personnel WhatsApp Contact Info:
  • Anabelle Cardoso, UB/UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 72 055 9025
  • Adam Wilson, UB, Mission Scientist, +1 240 979 7404
  • Erin Hestir, UCM, Mission Scientist, +1 510 263 6347
  • Jasper Slingsby, UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 83 406 0581
  • Dan Chirica, NASA ESPO, Project Manager, +1 925 640 0463
  • Stevie Phothisane, NASA ESPO, Deputy PM/Logistics, +1 707 772 9683
  • Roy Johnson, NASA ESPO, Site Support, +1 650 623 7539

Photos: Please upload any photos you would like to share with the team to this album.  (https://photos.app.goo.gl/T1JHNS974U1Zanko8)

Meeting Link:
0630 & 0700 Go/No-Go:
Meeting ID: 216 602 645 079
Passcode: LPgE6t
Or call in (audio only)
+1 256-715-9946,,251693523# United States
+27 21 834 5594,,251693523# South Africa

1400 Forecasting & Flight Planning: β€œhttps://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZWU5NjBiZWItNmM0Zi00ZDdlLTg0NWItNDAyYjM5NzhjMmMx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%227005d458-45be-48ae-8140-d43da96dd17b%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22a3f984ad-d1a0-4be1-885c-939efbcb3c1d%22%7d” 
Meeting ID: 238 608 860 280 
Passcode: jxRKdQ 
Or call in (audio only)
+1 256-715-9946,,992489477#  United States
+27 21 834 5594,,992489477#  South Africa

BioSCape Plan of the Day

Tuesday, 14 November (All times local)



0600 -- SSUN to FBO (GV)
0630 -- SSUN to FBO (GIII)
0630 -- FBO to SSUN (GV)
0700 -- Go/No-go call at SSUN
0730 -- SSUN to FBO (GIII/GV crew)
0900 -- GIII Takeoff (SF# 14) - flight plan below*
0900 -- GV Takeoff (SF# 16) - flight plan below**
0930 -- FBO to SSUN (GIII/GV MX)
1400 -- Forecasting Meeting at SSUN
1500 -- SSUN to FBO (GV)
TBD (GIII landing +1hr) FBO to SSUN GIII post flight
TBD (GV landing +30’) FBO to SSUN GV post flight
~1900 -- FBO to SSUN (GIII/GV MX)

*G-III Science objectives:

Science Objective: Last day with G5. We are trying to maintain con-ops with G5 for coincident acquisitions. Box 19 is a calibration buoy in lake. Box 12 has vegetation plots distributed across box. Box 16 missed two lines - need refly. Box 25 is a flux tower.


TO 0900
G3_19_AM  @ FL 100 or at discretion
G3_12 L01-L11@ FL 180 (G5 will be @ FL 170)
*highest priority
G3_07 L01-L04 @ FL 180
*end early if needed to complete 16, 19 and 25
G3_16 L01-L04 @ FL 180
G3_19_PM  @ FL 100 or at discretion
G3_25 @ FL 100 or at discretion

**G-V Science objectives:

Science Priorities: 1) G5_12 (both HyTES & LVIS) which has vegetation plots throughout and 2) clean up lines on G5_7, which also has vegetation plots throughout.  This plan also includes passing over the calibration buoy, a pickup line in box 13 (in transit), another pickup line from box 16, followed by another pass over the calibration sites in box 19 and 25.


TO: 0900
G5_19: D950AZ @FL at discretion of team
G5_13 LVIS: C321AZ (short line in transit) @ FL240 or as possible in transit
G5_12 LVIS: D204AZ-D219AZ @ FL240               (G3 @ FL180)
G5_12 HYTES: D251AZ-D255AZ @ FL170          (G3 @ FL180)
G5_7 HYTES: B750AZ-B753AZ @ FL170             (G3 @ FL180)
G5_16: C600MZ @ FL170                                     (G3 @ FL180)
G5_19: D950AZ @ FL 170 or at discretion of team
G5_25: R500AZ @ FL 170 or at discretion of team

  • A reminder that all relevant links (Windy, Rules of the Road, Go/No-Go call notes, Visions etc) are available on our internal team website (team.bioscape.io). If you cannot access the internal team site and would like to, please send Anabelle your Google-linked email address and she will add you.

  • Reminder that we have an anonymous feedback and incident reporting form available.


Key Personnel WhatsApp Contact Info:
  • Anabelle Cardoso, UB/UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 72 055 9025

  • Adam Wilson, UB, Mission Scientist, +1 240 979 7404

  • Erin Hestir, UCM, Mission Scientist, +1 510 263 6347

  • Jasper Slingsby, UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 83 406 0581

  • Dan Chirica, NASA ESPO, Project Manager, +1 925 640 0463

  • Stevie Phothisane, NASA ESPO, Deputy PM/Logistics, +1 707 772 9683

  • Roy Johnson, NASA ESPO, Site Support, +1 650 623 7539


Photos: Please upload any photos you would like to share with the team to this album.  (https://photos.app.goo.gl/T1JHNS974U1Zanko8)


Meeting Link:
0700 Go/No-Go:
Meeting ID: 216 602 645 079
Passcode: LPgE6t
Or call in (audio only)
+1 256-715-9946,,251693523# United States
+27 21 834 5594,,251693523# South Africa


1400 Forecasting & Flight Planning: β€œhttps://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZWU5NjBiZWItNmM0Zi00ZDdlLTg0NWItNDAyYjM5NzhjMmMx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%227005d458-45be-48ae-8140-d43da96dd17b%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22a3f984ad-d1a0-4be1-885c-939efbcb3c1d%22%7d”
Meeting ID: 238 608 860 280
Passcode: jxRKdQ
Or call in (audio only)
+1 256-715-9946,,992489477#  United States
+27 21 834 5594,,992489477#  South Africa

BioSCape Plan of the Day

Monday, 13 November (All times local)

  1. There will be a BioSCape Thanksgiving dinner event on 23, November. More details to follow. Please RSVP via WhatsApp Poll from Anabelle.
  2. There will be a BioSCape public lecture and pre-event networking reception on 17 November that everyone is invited to attend. 
    1. When: Networking reception at 6pm - with food! Public event 7-9pm.
    2. Where: New Lecture Theatre, UCT Upper Campus
    3. RSVP here - capacity is limited and spots will be on a first-come first-serve basis.
    4. Please reach out to Anabelle Cardoso with any questions.

0800 -- SSUN to FBO (GV)
0830 -- FBO to SSUN (GV)
0900 -- Rescheduled Go/No-go call at SSUN
0930 -- SSUN to FBO (GV crew)
1030 -- SSUN to FBO (GIII)
1100 -- GV Takeoff - flight plan below** 
1130 -- SSUN to FBO (GIII)
1300 -- GIII Takeoff - flight plan below**
1330 -- FBO to SSUN (GIII)
1500 -- SSUN to FBO (GV)
1400 -- Forecasting Meeting at SSUN 
TBD (GIII landing +1hr) FBO to SSUN GIII post flight
TBD (GV landing +30’) FBO to SSUN GV post flight
2000 -- SSUN to FBO (GV)
2030 -- FBO to SSUN (GV)

**G-III Science objectives: 
Box 1 and 16 are both sites with lots of vegetation plots and we want to get coincident data from both planes here. New pickup box is to coincide with EMIT overpass and assess termite mound biodiversity. Box 19 is the calibration buoy.

Takeoff 13:00 (may slip due to clouds)
Airport cal (AVIRIS/PRISM team to advise on FL and waypoints)
G3_1: Lines 4-7 @ FL170 (G5 will be at FL160 and FL240)
G3_16: Lines 1-4 @ FL180 (G5 is at FL160) (if cloudy we will drop this box)
Tankwa karoo lines (New lines! See email for waypoints) @ FL180 (do as many lines as you can in the time you have)
G3_19 (if not cloudy) @ any FL (NET 1518; NLT 1648)

**G-V Science objectives: 
Box 1 and 16 are both sites with lots of vegetation plots and we want to get coincident data from both planes here. HYTES needs full coverage of Box 1, LVIS pickup lines. New Tankwa Karoo lines are to coincide with EMIT overpass and assess termite mound biodiversity. Box 19 is the calibration buoy.

Takeoff 1100 (may slip due to clouds)
G5_1 HYTES B150AZ - B156 AZ @ FL 160 (G3 will be at @ FL 170)
G5_1 LVIS B124 AZ - B120AZ; @ FL240
*G5_L1 only if there is time. Lowest priority. End this pattern with a N end of 
B120AZ with a 1.1mile offset to the east for Robbin island
G5_19 HYTES D950AZ @FL at discretion of team.
Tankwa Karoo lines T108AZ - T101AZ @ FL 170 (G3 @ FL 180) 
*only flying low for this target. Can go down to 160 to avoid GIII if needed.



Key Personnel WhatsApp Contact Info:
  • Anabelle Cardoso, UB/UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 72 055 9025
  • Adam Wilson, UB, Mission Scientist, +1 240 979 7404
  • Erin Hestir, UCM, Mission Scientist, +1 510 263 6347
  • Jasper Slingsby, UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 83 406 0581
  • Dan Chirica, NASA ESPO, Project Manager, +1 925 640 0463
  • Stevie Phothisane, NASA ESPO, Deputy PM/Logistics, +1 707 772 9683
  • Roy Johnson, NASA ESPO, Site Support, +1 650 623 7539

Photos: Please upload any photos you would like to share with the team to this album.  (https://photos.app.goo.gl/T1JHNS974U1Zanko8)

Meeting Link:
0700 Go/No-Go:
Meeting ID: 216 602 645 079
Passcode: LPgE6t
Or call in (audio only)
+1 256-715-9946,,251693523# United States
+27 21 834 5594,,251693523# South Africa

1400 Forecasting & Flight Planning: β€œhttps://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZWU5NjBiZWItNmM0Zi00ZDdlLTg0NWItNDAyYjM5NzhjMmMx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%227005d458-45be-48ae-8140-d43da96dd17b%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22a3f984ad-d1a0-4be1-885c-939efbcb3c1d%22%7d” 
Meeting ID: 238 608 860 280 
Passcode: jxRKdQ 
Or call in (audio only)
+1 256-715-9946,,992489477# United States
+27 21 834 5594,,992489477# South Africa

BioSCape Plan of the Day

Sunday, 12 November (All times local)

  1. There will be a BioSCape Thanksgiving dinner event on 23, November. More details to follow. Please RSVP via WhatsApp Poll from Anabelle.

  2. Reminder that we have an anonymous feedback and incident reporting form available.


  1. All Field Teams - Please can you all assess the quicklooks in Visions and flag any issues with acquisitions over your field sites. Please direct issues to Phil Brodrick.


  1. There will be a BioSCape public lecture and pre-event networking reception on 17 November that everyone is invited to attend.

    1. When: Networking reception at 6pm, public event 7-9pm.

    2. Where: New Lecture Theatre, UCT Upper Campus

    3. RSVP here - capacity is limited and spots will be on a first-come first-serve basis.

    4. Please reach out to Anabelle Cardoso with any questions.

  2. A reminder that all relevant links (Windy, Rules of the Road, Go/No-Go call notes, Visions etc) are available on our internal team website (team.bioscape.io). If you cannot access the internal team site and would like to, please send Anabelle your Google-linked email address and she will add you.


0600 -- SSUN to FBO (7-9 Pax) GIII + GV Mx, GIII QNCs
0630 -- FBO to SSUN (1 Pax) GV Mx
0700 -- Go/No-go call at SSUN (link via teams)
0700 -- SSUN to FBO (2 Pax) GIII Pilots
0730 -- SSUN to FBO (3 Pax) GV crew
0830 -- GIII Takeoff  - see plan below
0900 -- GV Takeoff - see plan below
0915 -- FBO to SSUN (4 Pax) GIII and GV Mx
1230 -- SSUN to FBO (2 Pax) GIII Mx
1400 -- Forecasting Meeting at SSUN
TBD ~1430 -- FBO to SSUN (8-9 Pax) GIII all
1500 -- SSUN to FBO (2 Pax) GV Mx
TBD ~1800 -- FBO to SSUN (3 Pax) GV crew
2000 SSUN to FBO (1 Pax) GV Mx
2030 FBO to SSUN (2 Pax) GV Mx


GII Plan A

G3_24_PM NLT 1006  @ FL 370

G3_28  @ FL 210

G3_8  @ FL 180 (low priority)

G3_16 @  FL 180

G3_19 NET 1518; NLT 1648 @ FL 180 or at crew discretion


GV Plan A
G5_24 HyTES:
Q455-Q459 @ FL 210
G5_24 LVIS:
Q409 LVIS @ FL 230
Q407, Q406 LVIS @ FL230
G5_8 LVIS:
B820 @ FL 265
B850-B860 @ FL 160
G5_16 HYTES:
C650-C652 @ FL 160
G5_16 LVIS:
C600-C601 @ FL 265
G5_19 HyTES:
D950 @ FL160 or at crew discretion

  1. New arrivals, please remember to complete the BioSCape Check-in form.



  1. Please join our WhatsApp groups: BioSCape Broadcast (https://chat.whatsapp.com/B8lYD6nD2AF9LezJB3XhSf) and the optional BioSCape Social (https://chat.whatsapp.com/FQSuFbhH5hxEv7HFH6N0Ff) group.

Please be sure to add your name to your WhatsApp profile.
Key Personnel WhatsApp Contact Info:
  • Anabelle Cardoso, UB/UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 72 055 9025

  • Adam Wilson, UB, Mission Scientist, +1 240 979 7404

  • Erin Hestir, UCM, Mission Scientist, +1 510 263 6347

  • Jasper Slingsby, UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 83 406 0581

  • Dan Chirica, NASA ESPO, Project Manager, +1 925 640 0463

  • Stevie Phothisane, NASA ESPO, Deputy PM/Logistics, +1 707 772 9683

  • Roy Johnson, NASA ESPO, Site Support, +1 650 623 7539


Photos: Please upload any photos you would like to share with the team to this album.  (https://photos.app.goo.gl/T1JHNS974U1Zanko8)


Meeting Link:
0700 Go/No-Go:
Meeting ID: 216 602 645 079
Passcode: LPgE6t
Or call in (audio only)
+1 256-715-9946,,251693523# United States
+27 21 834 5594,,251693523# South Africa


1400 Forecasting & Flight Planning: β€œhttps://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZWU5NjBiZWItNmM0Zi00ZDdlLTg0NWItNDAyYjM5NzhjMmMx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%227005d458-45be-48ae-8140-d43da96dd17b%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22a3f984ad-d1a0-4be1-885c-939efbcb3c1d%22%7d”
Meeting ID: 238 608 860 280
Passcode: jxRKdQ
Or call in (audio only)
+1 256-715-9946,,992489477#  United States
+27 21 834 5594,,992489477#  South Africa

BioSCape Plan of the Day

Saturday, 11 November (All times local)

  • There will be a BioSCape Thanksgiving dinner event on 23, November. More details to follow. Please respond to the poll Anabelle posted to the BioSCape Broadcast on WhatsApp if you can attend or not. 
    1. From Woody Turner: β€œGOBBLE GOBBLE πŸ¦ƒβ€
  • Reminder that we have an anonymous feedback and incident reporting form available.
  • https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScQv0iVfVAMrqhEKyRxD0v3v4gdbhRi3ArcV7Xeg_86lmURfw/viewform
  • All Field Teams - Please can you all assess the quicklooks in Visions and flag any issues with acquisitions over your field sites. Please direct issues to Phil Brodrick.
  • https://popo.jpl.nasa.gov/mmgis-aviris/?s=5ex5l
  • There will be a BioSCape public lecture and pre-event networking reception on 17 November that everyone is invited to attend. 
    1. When: Networking reception at 6pm, public event 7-9pm.
    2. Where: New Lecture Theatre, UCT Upper Campus
    3. RSVP here - capacity is limited and spots will be on a first-come first-serve basis.
    4. Please reach out to Anabelle Cardoso with any questions.
  • A reminder that all relevant links (Windy, Rules of the Road, Go/No-Go call notes, Visions etc) are available on our internal team website (team.bioscape.io). If you cannot access the internal team site and would like to, please send Anabelle your Google-linked email address and she will add you.

Schedule: Down Day for both aircraft.

0600 -- Shuttle SSUN to FBO (GV MX)
0630 -- Shuttle FBO to SSUN (GV MX) 
1400 -- Forecasting Meeting at SSUN 
1800 -- Shuttle SSUN to FBO (GV MX)
1830 -- Shuttle FBO to SSUN (GV MX)

1.     New arrivals, please remember to complete the BioSCape Check-in form.
2.      Please join our WhatsApp groups: BioSCape Broadcast (https://chat.whatsapp.com/B8lYD6nD2AF9LezJB3XhSf) and the optional BioSCape Social (https://chat.whatsapp.com/FQSuFbhH5hxEv7HFH6N0Ff) group.

Please be sure to add your name to your WhatsApp profile.
Key Personnel WhatsApp Contact Info:
  • Anabelle Cardoso, UB/UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 72 055 9025
  • Adam Wilson, UB, Mission Scientist, +1 240 979 7404
  • Erin Hestir, UCM, Mission Scientist, +1 510 263 6347
  • Jasper Slingsby, UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 83 406 0581
  • Dan Chirica, NASA ESPO, Project Manager, +1 925 640 0463
  • Stevie Phothisane, NASA ESPO, Deputy PM/Logistics, +1 707 772 9683
  • Roy Johnson, NASA ESPO, Site Support, +1 650 623 7539

Photos: Please upload any photos you would like to share with the team to this album.  (https://photos.app.goo.gl/T1JHNS974U1Zanko8)

Meeting Link:
1400 Forecasting & Flight Planning: β€œhttps://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZWU5NjBiZWItNmM0Zi00ZDdlLTg0NWItNDAyYjM5NzhjMmMx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%227005d458-45be-48ae-8140-d43da96dd17b%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22a3f984ad-d1a0-4be1-885c-939efbcb3c1d%22%7d” 
Meeting ID: 238 608 860 280 
Passcode: jxRKdQ 
Or call in (audio only)
+1 256-715-9946,,992489477#  United States
+27 21 834 5594,,992489477#  South Africa

BioSCape Plan of the Day

Friday, 10 November (All times local)

  1. Reminder that we have an anonymous feedback and incident reporting form available. 
    1. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScQv0iVfVAMrqhEKyRxD0v3v4gdbhRi3ArcV7Xeg_86lmURfw/viewform
  2. There will be a BioSCape public lecture and pre-event networking reception on 17 November that everyone is invited to attend. 
    1. When: Networking reception at 6pm, public event 7-9pm.
    2. Where: New Lecture Theatre, UCT Upper Campus
    3. RSVP here - capacity is limited and spots will be on a first-come first-serve basis.
    4. Please reach out to Anabelle Cardoso with any questions.
  3. A reminder that all relevant links (Windy, Rules of the Road, Go/No-Go call notes, Visions etc) are available on our internal team website (team.bioscape.io). If you cannot access the internal team site and would like to, please send Anabelle your Google-linked email address and she will add you.

0600 -- Shuttle SSUN to FBO (GV MX + GIII Team)
0630 -- Shuttle FBO to SSUN (GV MX)
0700 -- Shuttle SSUN to FBO (GV aircrew)
0700 -- Go/No-go call at SSUN
0830 -- GIII Takeoff (SF#12): (flight plan below)
0830 -- GV Takeoff (SF# 14): (flight plan below)
0900 -- Shuttle FBO to SSUN (GV MX + GIII) 
1200 -- Shuttle SSUN to FBO (GIII)
1400 -- Forecasting Meeting at SSUN
1430 -- Shuttle FBO to SSUN (GIII)
1500 -- Shuttle SSUN to FBO (GV)
2000 -- Shuttle SSUN to FBO (GV MX)
2030 -- Shuttle FBO to SSUN (GV MX) 

GIII Detailed Flightlines:
Science Objectives:
Box 10: High priority target. Combined Aquatic + Terrestrial box. Vegetation plots distributed throughout. High priority estuary in the south of the box that we are trying to hit as early as possible. 
Box 19: CalVal target. Buoy in the lake. 
Box 11: Medium priority target with vegetation plots.

1) G3_19_AM (any FL is okay but FL170 preferred) - on the way out, buoy cal site. 
2) G3_10 (FL170) - highest science priority
lines starting in the south (G3_10_L11) working northwards (G3_10_L01).
3) G3_11 (FL170): 
G3_11_L01, G3_11_L02, G3_11_L03 (highest priority), then go on to G3_11_L04, G3_11_L05, G3_11_L06 (if you have time). 
4) G3_19_AM and G3_25 (any FL is okay but FL170 preferred) - on the way back if fuel allows.

GV Detailed Flightlines:
Science Objectives:
Box 10: High priority target. Combined Aquatic + Terrestrial box. Vegetation plots distributed throughout. High priority estuary in the south of the box that we are trying to hit as early as possible. 
Box 11: Medium priority target with vegetation plots.
Box 19: CalVal target. Buoy in the lake.

Takeoff 0830
HyTES Calibration Buoy:
G950AZ @ FL160 (whichever FL works for you is okay, lower is fine, prefer not to go over FL180)
Box G5_10 LVIS:
D032, D033 @ FL240
D036, D037, D038, D039, D040 @ FL240
D019, D018, D017, D016, D015, D014, D013, D012, D011, D010, D009 @ FL240
Box G5_11 LVIS and HyTES:
C100, C101, C102 @ FL160 and 365 kts
Box G5_10 HyTES:
D050, D051, D052, D053, D054, D055, D056 @ FL160

  1. New arrivals, please remember to complete the BioSCape Check-in form.
  2. Please join our WhatsApp groups: BioSCape Broadcast (https://chat.whatsapp.com/B8lYD6nD2AF9LezJB3XhSf) and the optional BioSCape Social (https://chat.whatsapp.com/FQSuFbhH5hxEv7HFH6N0Ff) group.
    1. Please be sure to add your name to your WhatsApp profile.
Key Personnel WhatsApp Contact Info:
  • Anabelle Cardoso, UB/UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 72 055 9025
  • Adam Wilson, UB, Mission Scientist, +1 240 979 7404
  • Erin Hestir, UCM, Mission Scientist, +1 510 263 6347
  • Jasper Slingsby, UCT, Mission Scientist, +27 83 406 0581
  • Dan Chirica, NASA ESPO, Project Manager, +1 925 640 0463
  • Stevie Phothisane, NASA ESPO, Deputy PM/Logistics, +1 707 772 9683
  • Roy Johnson, NASA ESPO, Site Support, +1 650 623 7539

Photos: Please upload any photos you would like to share with the team to this album.  (https://photos.app.goo.gl/T1JHNS974U1Zanko8)

Meeting Links:
0700 Go/No-Go:
Meeting ID: 216 602 645 079
Passcode: LPgE6t
Or call in (audio only)
+1 256-715-9946,,251693523# United States
+27 21 834 5594,,251693523# South Africa

1400 Forecasting & Flight Planning:
Meeting ID: 238 608 860 280 
Passcode: jxRKdQ 
Or call in (audio only)
+1 256-715-9946,,992489477# United States
+27 21 834 5594,,992489477# South Africa