47, 1001 Brune, William; Thames, Alexander; Miller, David; Brosius, Alexandra Penn State University ATHOS - Airborne Tropospheric Hydrogen Oxides Sensor ATom 1, 1 2016, 08, 01, 2019, 08, 12 0 Start_UTC, seconds, seconds since UTC midnight on day of takeoff 5 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 -9999.000, -9999.000, -9999.00, -9999.00, -9999.000 Stop_UTC, seconds, seconds since UTC midnight on day of takeoff Mid_UTC, seconds, seconds since UTC midnight on day of takeoff T_OHR, Kelvin, temperature inside OHR instrument in Kelvin P_OHR, kPa, pressure inside OHR instrument in kPa OHReactivity_OHR, Hz, OH reactivity in Hz 0 28 PI_CONTACT_INFO: Address: 503 Walker Building, University Park, PA 16802; email: whb2@psu.edu 814-865-3286 PLATFORM: NASA - DC-8 Aircraft - sampling underneath aircraft forward cargo bay LOCATION: ATom I: Science Flight #2 -- PMD - ANC ASSOCIATED_DATA: N/A INSTRUMENT_INFO: OH Reactivity from discharge flow DATA_INFO: Units are: Kelvin for T, kPa for P, Hz for OHR. UNCERTAINTY: OHR measurement uncertainty +/- 15% at 2 sigma confidence, with +/- 0.8 s^-1 at 2 sigma confidence in the zero uncertainty. ULOD_FLAG: -7777 ULOD_VALUE: N/A LLOD_FLAG: -8888 LLOD_VALUE: N/A DM_CONTACT_INFO: William H. Brune, Penn State, whb2@psu.edu; 814-865-3286 PROJECT_INFO: NSF/NASA ATom Mission. 2016 - 2018; Multiple Locations STIPULATIONS_ON_USE: No restrictions. Contact PI or DM with any questions. OTHER_COMMENTS: Final Data. OH reactivity signals from individual 20 or 30 second scans have been added together for 60 seconds. - Summing these signals compensated for the signal decrease due to quenching in the humid air at lower altitudes. - By increasing signal counts, the statistical noise in the calculated decays was reduced. - Increasing the summation time to 120 seconds gave the same OH reactivity as the 60-second average to within 10%. - OHR flow tube T and p are needed to convert ambient modeled OH reactivity so that it can be compared to measured OH reactivity. - This conversion can double the modeled OH reactivity at cold, high altitudes, but has little effect at low altitudes. - Following updated merge files, instrument offset was recalculated. - For details, please see Mao et al., Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 163-173, 2009. REVISION: R3 R3: Final Data (see OTHER_COMMENTS) R2: Final Data (see OTHER_COMMENTS) R1: Final Data (see OTHER_COMMENTS) R0: Final Data (see OTHER_COMMENTS) Start_UTC, Stop_UTC, Mid_UTC, T_OHR, P_OHR, OHReactivity_OHR 52208, 52267, 52238, 299.010, 91.800, -9999.000 52268, 52327, 52298, 298.970, 90.667, -9999.000 52328, 52387, 52358, 299.050, 87.089, -9999.000 52388, 52447, 52418, 299.070, 83.711, -9999.000 52448, 52507, 52478, 298.951, 78.511, -9999.000 52509, 52568, 52539, 298.731, 72.156, -9999.000 52569, 52628, 52599, 298.473, 69.356, -9999.000 52629, 52688, 52659, 298.215, 68.667, -9999.000 52689, 52748, 52719, 298.036, 68.289, -9999.000 52749, 52808, 52779, 297.917, 65.467, -9999.000 56380, 56439, 56410, 287.055, 32.289, -9999.000 56440, 56499, 56470, 287.016, 32.444, -9999.000 56501, 56560, 56531, 287.016, 32.733, -9999.000 56561, 56620, 56591, 287.006, 32.789, -9999.000 56621, 56680, 56651, 287.055, 31.911, -9999.000 56681, 56740, 56711, 287.035, 31.733, -9999.000 56741, 56800, 56771, 287.055, 31.956, -9999.000 56801, 56860, 56831, 287.035, 32.389, -9999.000 57646, 57705, 57676, 286.838, 29.578, -9999.000 57706, 57765, 57736, 286.779, 29.600, -9999.000 57766, 57825, 57796, 286.760, 29.756, 0.325 57827, 57886, 57857, 286.740, 29.600, 0.509 57887, 57946, 57917, 286.701, 29.556, 0.316 57947, 58006, 57977, 286.641, 29.489, 0.027 58007, 58066, 58037, 286.622, 29.378, 0.172 58067, 58126, 58097, 286.543, 29.489, 0.186 58127, 58186, 58157, 286.523, 29.489, 0.325 58188, 58247, 58218, 286.464, 29.600, 0.025 58248, 58307, 58278, 286.464, 29.267, 0.159 58308, 58367, 58338, 286.385, 29.333, 0.168 58368, 58427, 58398, 286.326, 29.444, 0.135 58428, 58487, 58458, 286.286, 29.578, 0.113 58488, 58547, 58518, 286.188, 29.222, 0.175 58548, 58607, 58578, 286.109, 29.400, 0.253 58609, 58668, 58639, 286.049, 29.378, -0.069 58669, 58728, 58699, 285.931, 29.356, 0.000 58729, 58788, 58759, 285.872, 29.467, -0.209 58789, 58848, 58819, 285.832, 29.467, 0.209 58849, 58908, 58879, 285.753, 29.422, 0.456 58909, 58968, 58939, 285.654, 29.356, -0.001 58969, 59028, 58999, 285.614, 29.289, 0.145 59030, 59089, 59060, 285.476, 29.422, -0.095 59090, 59149, 59120, 285.416, 29.600, 0.272 59150, 59209, 59180, 285.357, 29.444, 0.559 59210, 59269, 59240, 285.317, 29.444, -0.134 59270, 59329, 59300, 285.198, 29.444, 0.172 59330, 59389, 59360, 285.138, 29.333, -0.037 59390, 59449, 59420, 285.059, 29.333, -0.176 59451, 59510, 59481, 284.979, 29.489, 0.308 59511, 59570, 59541, 284.880, 29.578, -0.226 59571, 59630, 59601, 284.840, 29.400, 0.104 59631, 59690, 59661, 284.820, 29.289, -0.026 59691, 59750, 59721, 284.721, 29.689, 0.418 59751, 59810, 59781, 284.681, 29.533, 0.440 59811, 59870, 59841, 284.521, 29.356, 0.266 59872, 59931, 59902, 284.442, 29.489, 0.081 59932, 59991, 59962, 284.302, 29.511, 0.428 59992, 60051, 60022, 284.222, 29.200, 0.163 60052, 60111, 60082, 284.102, 29.289, 0.051 60112, 60171, 60142, 283.962, 29.289, -0.127 60172, 60231, 60202, 283.902, 29.200, -0.016 60232, 60291, 60262, 283.802, 29.289, -0.163 60293, 60352, 60323, 283.662, 29.267, 0.043 60353, 60412, 60383, 283.581, 29.200, 0.198 60413, 60472, 60443, 283.481, 29.156, -0.021 60473, 60532, 60503, 283.381, 29.156, -0.056 60533, 60592, 60563, 283.280, 29.378, -0.007 60593, 60652, 60623, 283.200, 29.444, -0.112 60653, 60712, 60683, 283.059, 29.444, 0.151 60713, 60772, 60743, 282.998, 29.578, 0.659 60774, 60833, 60804, 282.877, 29.356, 0.281 60834, 60893, 60864, 282.817, 29.422, 0.277 60894, 60953, 60924, 282.696, 29.533, 0.380 60954, 61013, 60984, 282.594, 29.356, -0.206 61014, 61073, 61044, 282.514, 29.644, 0.271 61074, 61133, 61104, 282.412, 29.356, -0.182 61135, 61194, 61165, 282.331, 29.489, 0.123 61195, 61254, 61225, 282.291, 29.489, -0.164 61255, 61314, 61285, 282.149, 29.422, 0.203 61315, 61374, 61345, 282.108, 29.800, 0.084 61375, 61434, 61405, 282.108, 29.800, -0.060 61435, 61494, 61465, 282.088, 29.344, 0.399 61495, 61554, 61525, 282.189, 29.556, -9999.000 61556, 61615, 61586, 282.169, 29.422, 0.471 61616, 61675, 61646, 282.189, 29.422, -9999.000 61676, 61735, 61706, 282.230, 29.222, -9999.000 61736, 61795, 61766, 282.210, 29.400, -9999.000 61796, 61855, 61826, 282.230, 29.178, -9999.000 61856, 61915, 61886, 281.986, 29.333, -9999.000 61916, 61975, 61946, 281.762, 29.267, -9999.000 61977, 62036, 62007, 281.518, 29.267, -9999.000 62037, 62096, 62067, 281.232, 29.067, -9999.000 62097, 62156, 62127, 280.904, 28.933, -9999.000 62157, 62216, 62187, 280.739, 28.800, -9999.000 62217, 62276, 62247, 280.533, 29.067, -9999.000 62277, 62336, 62307, 280.368, 29.333, -9999.000 62819, 62878, 62849, 279.163, 29.178, -9999.000 73805, 73864, 73835, 274.995, 37.867, -9999.000 74166, 74225, 74196, 272.926, 62.956, -9999.000 74226, 74285, 74256, 272.903, 68.200, -9999.000 74347, 74406, 74377, 273.245, 77.778, 0.345 74407, 74466, 74437, 273.586, 83.822, -0.114 74467, 74526, 74497, 273.924, 90.289, 0.120 74527, 74586, 74557, 274.484, 93.267, -0.301 74587, 74646, 74617, 275.084, 92.244, -9999.000 74647, 74706, 74677, 275.436, 92.889, 0.238 74708, 74767, 74738, 275.634, 93.089, 0.238 74768, 74827, 74798, 275.896, 88.533, 0.316 74828, 74887, 74858, 276.288, 82.333, 0.459 74888, 74947, 74918, 276.505, 77.511, -0.092 74948, 75007, 74978, 276.613, 72.578, -0.120 75008, 75067, 75038, 276.678, 67.356, 0.418 75068, 75127, 75098, 276.678, 61.400, 0.065 75129, 75188, 75159, 276.678, 56.956, 0.277 75189, 75248, 75219, 276.656, 52.311, -9999.000 75550, 75609, 75580, 275.809, 52.156, -0.323 75610, 75669, 75640, 275.480, 55.311, -9999.000 75670, 75729, 75700, 275.282, 60.378, -0.142 75730, 75789, 75760, 274.907, 66.089, -0.014 75790, 75849, 75820, 274.885, 71.022, 0.087 75850, 75909, 75880, 274.885, 76.822, 0.116 75911, 75970, 75941, 275.040, 82.600, 0.758 75971, 76030, 76001, 275.326, 87.511, 0.999 76031, 76090, 76061, 275.590, 93.378, 0.817 76251, 76310, 76281, 276.936, 100.978, 0.624 76311, 76370, 76341, 277.194, 100.889, 0.646 76371, 76430, 76401, 277.451, 100.422, 1.031 76431, 76490, 76461, 277.686, 99.667, 0.412 76491, 76550, 76521, 277.792, 100.689, 1.012 76551, 76610, 76581, 277.920, 95.111, 1.417 76612, 76671, 76642, 278.068, 87.189, 0.995 76672, 76731, 76702, 278.237, 80.667, 1.264 76732, 76791, 76762, 278.364, 76.844, 1.609 76792, 76851, 76822, 278.407, 70.800, 0.193 76852, 76911, 76882, 278.491, 66.533, 0.290 76912, 76971, 76942, 278.407, 61.733, 1.464 76973, 77032, 77003, 278.407, 57.400, 0.949 77033, 77092, 77063, 278.407, 54.600, 0.445 77093, 77152, 77123, 278.280, 55.267, 0.734 77153, 77212, 77183, 278.174, 52.422, 0.995 77213, 77272, 77243, 278.259, 49.044, 0.777 77273, 77332, 77303, 278.259, 44.089, 1.535 77333, 77392, 77363, 278.364, 40.533, 0.761 77394, 77453, 77424, 278.385, 37.689, 0.826 77454, 77513, 77484, 278.385, 35.800, 0.451 77514, 77573, 77544, 278.428, 33.200, 0.377 77574, 77633, 77604, 278.428, 31.089, -9999.000 77634, 77693, 77664, 278.512, 29.933, 1.131 77995, 78054, 78025, 278.659, 27.644, 0.054 78055, 78114, 78085, 278.554, 27.822, 0.610 78115, 78174, 78145, 278.512, 27.667, 0.190 78175, 78234, 78205, 278.491, 27.933, 0.071 78236, 78295, 78266, 278.364, 27.822, 0.107 78296, 78355, 78326, 278.322, 27.644, 0.077 78356, 78415, 78386, 278.206, 27.922, -0.212 78416, 78475, 78446, 278.153, 27.978, -9999.000 78476, 78535, 78506, 278.047, 28.133, 1.000 78536, 78595, 78566, 278.004, 28.378, -0.196 78596, 78655, 78626, 277.941, 28.400, 0.504 78657, 78716, 78687, 277.792, 28.511, 1.272 78717, 78776, 78747, 277.622, 28.400, 0.046 78777, 78836, 78807, 277.536, 28.222, 0.583 78837, 78896, 78867, 277.430, 28.067, 0.368 78897, 78956, 78927, 277.323, 27.911, 0.246 78957, 79016, 78987, 277.194, 27.911, -0.232 79017, 79076, 79047, 277.108, 27.956, 0.197 79138, 79197, 79168, 276.850, 27.911, 0.031 79198, 79257, 79228, 276.829, 28.089, -0.138 79258, 79317, 79288, 276.732, 27.978, 0.587 79318, 79377, 79348, 276.635, 28.000, 0.210 79378, 79437, 79408, 276.505, 27.889, 0.351 79439, 79498, 79469, 276.440, 28.111, 0.384 79499, 79558, 79529, 276.375, 28.156, 0.710 79559, 79618, 79589, 276.266, 28.022, 0.614 79619, 79678, 79649, 276.158, 28.133, 0.133 79679, 79738, 79709, 276.114, 28.133, 0.498 79739, 79798, 79769, 276.005, 28.044, 0.514 79799, 79858, 79829, 275.918, 28.133, -0.064 79859, 79918, 79889, 275.831, 28.022, 0.348 79920, 79979, 79950, 275.809, 28.278, 0.399 79980, 80039, 80010, 275.765, 28.200, 0.569 80040, 80099, 80070, 275.678, 28.222, 0.727 80100, 80159, 80130, 275.458, 30.422, -0.053 80160, 80219, 80190, 275.128, 32.667, 0.349 80220, 80279, 80250, 274.796, 35.111, 0.647 80280, 80339, 80310, 274.685, 37.956, 0.266 80401, 80460, 80431, 274.261, 43.733, -0.054 80461, 80520, 80491, 274.194, 47.444, 0.188 80521, 80580, 80551, 274.149, 51.556, 0.710 80581, 80640, 80611, 274.127, 55.156, 1.730 80641, 80700, 80671, 274.283, 59.644, 1.692 80701, 80760, 80731, 274.596, 63.867, 1.586 80761, 80820, 80791, 275.017, 67.533, 2.656 80822, 80881, 80852, 275.458, 71.644, 1.494 80882, 80941, 80912, 276.027, 74.133, 1.248 80942, 81001, 80972, 276.440, 77.111, 1.053 81002, 81061, 81032, 276.829, 82.711, 1.691 81062, 81121, 81092, 277.237, 89.111, 2.508 81122, 81181, 81152, 277.771, 89.011, 0.876 81182, 81241, 81212, 278.385, 90.022, 0.659 81243, 81302, 81273, 278.870, 92.100, 2.189 81303, 81362, 81333, 279.247, 95.200, 0.232 81363, 81422, 81393, 279.705, 96.000, 1.120 81423, 81482, 81453, 280.037, 97.400, 0.270 81483, 81542, 81513, 280.492, 98.822, 1.296 81544, 81603, 81574, 281.068, 101.444, 1.536 81604, 81663, 81634, 281.497, 99.089, 0.531 81664, 81723, 81694, 281.986, 99.956, 1.822 81724, 81783, 81754, 282.372, 93.778, 1.472 81784, 81843, 81814, 282.675, 88.467, 1.597 81844, 81903, 81874, 282.736, 80.800, 0.696 81904, 81963, 81934, 282.837, 76.111, 0.440 81964, 82023, 81994, 282.948, 70.811, 0.541 82025, 82084, 82055, 283.018, 65.167, 0.596 82085, 82144, 82115, 283.079, 60.422, 0.726 82145, 82204, 82175, 283.149, 55.722, 0.803 82205, 82264, 82235, 283.260, 51.089, 0.385 82265, 82324, 82295, 283.320, 46.956, 0.419 82325, 82384, 82355, 283.340, 44.933, 1.259 82385, 82444, 82415, 283.320, 42.911, 1.229 82446, 82505, 82476, 283.340, 40.111, 0.788 82506, 82565, 82536, 283.441, 36.911, 0.311 82566, 82625, 82596, 283.461, 33.978, 0.838 82626, 82685, 82656, 283.481, 31.467, 0.729 82686, 82745, 82716, 283.501, 30.044, 0.115 82746, 82805, 82776, 283.501, 28.489, 0.969 82807, 82866, 82837, 283.441, 26.222, 0.507 82867, 82926, 82897, 283.561, 24.567, 0.686 82927, 82986, 82957, 283.601, 23.378, 0.325 82987, 83046, 83017, 283.622, 23.600, 0.555 83047, 83106, 83077, 283.561, 23.578, 0.190 83107, 83166, 83137, 283.401, 23.533, 0.526 83167, 83226, 83197, 283.361, 23.556, 0.311 83228, 83287, 83258, 283.159, 23.756, 0.543 83288, 83347, 83318, 283.119, 23.622, 0.656 83348, 83407, 83378, 282.998, 23.800, 0.308 83408, 83467, 83438, 282.837, 23.822, 0.364 83468, 83527, 83498, 282.837, 23.933, 0.662 83528, 83587, 83558, 282.574, 25.556, -9999.000 83589, 83648, 83619, 282.047, 27.856, -9999.000 83649, 83708, 83679, 281.823, 30.067, -9999.000 83709, 83768, 83739, 281.518, 33.178, -9999.000 83769, 83828, 83799, 281.211, 35.778, -9999.000 83829, 83888, 83859, 280.873, 38.789, -9999.000 83889, 83948, 83919, 280.513, 42.444, -9999.000 83949, 84008, 83979, 280.430, 46.089, -9999.000 84010, 84069, 84040, 280.203, 50.222, -9999.000 84070, 84129, 84100, 280.079, 54.822, 0.872 84130, 84189, 84160, 279.996, 59.867, 0.515 84190, 84249, 84220, 280.203, 64.378, 1.174 84250, 84309, 84280, 280.513, 69.844, 1.106 84310, 84369, 84340, 280.965, 72.578, 1.093 84371, 84430, 84401, 281.313, 76.422, 1.171 84431, 84490, 84461, 281.701, 78.622, 0.808 84491, 84550, 84521, 281.966, 78.289, 1.589 84551, 84610, 84581, 282.291, 80.622, 1.824 84611, 84670, 84641, 282.554, 83.867, 1.788 84671, 84730, 84701, 282.857, 84.733, 1.638 84731, 84790, 84761, 283.139, 88.133, 1.103 84791, 84850, 84821, 283.521, 90.711, 1.534 84852, 84911, 84882, 283.922, 90.400, 0.639 84912, 84971, 84942, 284.362, 94.089, 2.282 84972, 85031, 85002, 284.721, 95.778, 3.530 85032, 85091, 85062, 284.999, 99.267, 3.456 85092, 85151, 85122, 285.297, 102.444, 2.052 85212, 85271, 85242, 285.970, 93.200, 2.350 85273, 85332, 85303, 286.286, 87.422, 2.091 85333, 85392, 85363, 286.444, 81.044, 1.445 85453, 85512, 85483, 286.425, 69.711, 0.255 85513, 85572, 85543, 286.365, 66.289, 1.072 85573, 85632, 85603, 286.296, 61.833, 1.114 85633, 85692, 85663, 286.346, 57.556, 1.210 85694, 85753, 85724, 286.365, 53.422, 0.994 85754, 85813, 85784, 286.425, 48.022, 0.900 85814, 85873, 85844, 286.444, 44.444, 0.803 85874, 85933, 85904, 286.464, 41.089, 0.258 85934, 85993, 85964, 286.425, 37.400, 0.676 85994, 86053, 86024, 286.405, 34.222, 0.568 86054, 86113, 86084, 286.385, 30.956, 0.290 86115, 86174, 86145, 286.365, 27.844, 0.608 86175, 86234, 86205, 286.365, 25.622, 0.523 86235, 86294, 86265, 286.464, 24.044, 0.627 86295, 86354, 86325, 286.425, 23.667, 0.315 86355, 86414, 86385, 286.464, 23.222, 0.129 86415, 86474, 86445, 286.286, 23.044, 0.605 86475, 86534, 86505, 286.207, 23.044, 0.705 86536, 86595, 86566, 286.129, 23.200, 0.153 86596, 86655, 86626, 285.931, 23.178, 0.329 86656, 86715, 86686, 285.812, 24.422, 0.578 86716, 86775, 86746, 285.436, 30.067, 0.455 86776, 86835, 86806, 284.561, 34.956, 1.382 86836, 86895, 86866, 283.642, 40.844, 1.377 86896, 86955, 86926, 283.119, 43.556, 0.732 86957, 87016, 86987, 283.018, 43.022, 1.273 87017, 87076, 87047, 282.736, 43.156, 0.581 87077, 87136, 87107, 282.574, 45.222, 1.848 87137, 87196, 87167, 282.331, 43.644, 1.256 87197, 87256, 87227, 282.433, 41.244, 0.823 87257, 87316, 87287, 282.493, 43.822, 1.110 87318, 87377, 87348, 282.534, 43.311, 1.248 87378, 87437, 87408, 282.412, 43.667, 1.615 87438, 87497, 87468, 282.412, 43.578, 0.940 87498, 87557, 87528, 282.433, 43.622, 1.488 87558, 87617, 87588, 282.473, 43.600, 1.456 87618, 87677, 87648, 282.574, 43.178, 1.074 87678, 87737, 87708, 282.655, 43.800, 0.475 87739, 87798, 87769, 282.817, 45.733, 0.804 87799, 87858, 87829, 282.756, 52.222, 1.109 87859, 87918, 87889, 282.453, 62.600, 1.567 87919, 87978, 87949, 282.392, 67.422, 1.629 87979, 88038, 88009, 282.776, 70.867, 3.504 88039, 88098, 88069, 283.320, 73.356, 2.065 88099, 88158, 88129, 283.742, 76.556, 1.042 88159, 88218, 88189, 283.942, 80.000, 1.212 88220, 88279, 88250, 284.122, 82.333, 1.396 88280, 88339, 88310, 284.262, 84.300, 1.302 88340, 88399, 88370, 284.402, 87.911, 1.488 88400, 88459, 88430, 284.541, 97.000, 2.327 88460, 88519, 88490, 284.979, 99.244, 2.690 88520, 88579, 88550, 285.575, 95.267, 0.282