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satellite-derived maps in rangeland management

Allred, B. B. W., M. K. Creutzburg, J. C. Carlson, C. J. Cole, C. M. Dovichin, M. C. Duniway, M. O. Jones, J. D. Maestas, D. E. Naugle, T. W. Nauman, G. Okin, M. C. Reeves, M. Rigge, S. L. Savage, D. Twidwell, D. R. Uden, and B. Zhou (2023), satellite-derived maps in rangeland management, doi:10.1016/j.rala.2021.09.004.

On the Ground

• Rangeland management has entered a new era with the accessibility and advancement of satellite-derived maps.

• Maps provide a comprehensive view of rangelands in space and time, and challenge us to think critically about natural variability.

• Here, we advance the practice of using satellitederived maps with four guiding principles designed to increase end user confidence and thereby accessibility of these data for decisionmaking.

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Research Program: 
Applied Sciences Program (ASP)