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Studies on the materials of LARES 2 satellite

Paolozzi, A., G. Sindoni, F. Felli, D. Pilone, A. Brotzu, I. Ciufolini, E. C. Pavlis, and C. Paris (2019), Studies on the materials of LARES 2 satellite, Journal of Geodesy, 93, 2437-2446, doi:10.1007/s00190-019-01316-z.

LARES 2 is an Italian Space Agency (ASI) satellite designed for testing with unprecedented accuracy frame-dragging, a fundamental prediction of general relativity, for other tests of fundamental physics and to contribute to space geodesy with a precision higher than any other satellite presently in orbit. The choice of the material for the body of LARES 2 satellite determines, along with its dimensions, the surface-to-mass ratio minimization, which is the main requirement for the satellite. The paper will report the studies conducted for the fulfillment of the above-mentioned requirement and the tests performed to qualify the materials for construction of the satellite.

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Research Program: 
Earth Surface & Interior Program (ESI)
Space Geodesy Project