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Short Communication Taking the pulse of aging oil wells in the Permian Basin...

Kim, J. W., and Z. Lu (2021), Short Communication Taking the pulse of aging oil wells in the Permian Basin from space Jin Woo Kim, Zhong Lu ⁎ Roy M. Huffington Department of Earth Sciences, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, USA, Science of the Total Environment, 757, 143932, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143932.

Thousands of unplugged abandoned oil wells throughout the Permian Basin – one of world's leading oil plays – have potential to create ground instability and damage the environment due to aging facilities and instances of mismanagement. Satellite radar remote sensing technologies, capable of detecting subtle surface changes over time with broad geographic coverage, are a valuable tool for monitoring the health and integrity of aging oil wells by gauging the stability of the well and its surroundings.

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Research Program: 
Earth Surface & Interior Program (ESI)
Funding Sources: 
NASA Earth Surface and Interior Program (#80NSSC19K1491 and #NNX16AL10G)