Cloud Lidar System


Operated By

The CLS is flown on the ER-2 to conduct cloud radiation and severe storm field experiments. Designed to operate at high altitudes in order to obtain measurements above the highest clouds, the instrument provides the true height of cloud boundaries and the density structure of less dense clouds. The height structure of cirrus, cloud top density and multiple cloud layers may also be profiled. The system specifications are as follows:

Laser Type: Nd:YAG I,II
Wavelength: 1064, 532 nanometer
Pulse Energy: 90, 30 mJ
Pulse repetition frequency: 10 Hz
Beam width: 1 mrad

Diameter: 0.15 m
Beam width: 1.4 mrad
Polarization: vert. and horiz.

Sample rate: Measurements at 20 m intervals at 200 m/s aircraft speed
Range Resolution: 7.5 m
Number of Channels: 4
Samples per Channel: 3310
Record Capacity: 8 hours

Instrument Type
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