remote sensing Communication A GEO-GEO Stereo Observation of Diurnal Cloud Variations over the Eastern Pacific

Wu, D.L., J.L. Carr, M.D. Friberg, T.C. Summers, J.N. Lee, and Á. Horváth (2024), remote sensing Communication A GEO-GEO Stereo Observation of Diurnal Cloud Variations over the Eastern Pacific, * Correspondence,, 1133, doi:10.3390/rs16071133.

Fast atmospheric processes such as deep convection and severe storms are challenging to observe and understand without adequate spatiotemporal sampling. Geostationary (GEO) imaging has the advantage of tracking these fast processes continuously at a cadence of the 10 min global and 1 min mesoscale from thermal infrared (TIR) channels. More importantly, the newly-available GEO-GEO stereo observations from our 3D-Wind algorithm provide more accurate height assignment for atmospheric motion vectors (AMVs) than those from conventional TIR methods. Unlike the radiometric methods, the stereo height is insensitive to radiometric TIR calibration of satellite sensors and can assign the feature height correctly under complex situation (e.g., multi-layer clouds and atmospheric inversion). This paper shows a case study from continuous GEO-GEO stereo observations over the Eastern Pacific during 1–5 February 2023, to highlight diurnal variations of clouds and dynamics in the planetary boundary layer (PBL), altocumulus/congestus, convective outflow and tropical tropopause layer (TTL). Because of their good vertical resolution, the stereo observations often show a wind shear in these cloud layers. As an example, the stereo winds reveal the classic Ekman spiral in marine PBL dynamics with a clockwise (counterclockwise) wind direction change with height in the Northern (Southern) Hemisphere subtropics. Over the Southeastern Pacific, the stereo cloud observations show a clear diurnal variation in the closed-to-open cell transition in the PBL and evidence of precipitation at a lower level from broken stratocumulus clouds.

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Atmospheric Dynamics and Precipitation Program (ADP)