<p>Diego, Thank you for submitting an abstract for the ILRC-30 Conference. This is the information we have received:</p>
First Name: Diego<br>Surname: Alves Gouveia<br>Email (please match email used in Registration): diego.gouveia@knmi.nl<br>Alternate email: diegoalvesgouveia88@gmail.com<br>Early career (within 10 years of PhD or highest degree): Yes<br>First choice of presentation method?: Indifferent<br>Title: A closure study between Raman lidar observations and model simulations of aerosol optical properties during the RITA 2021 campaign<br>Upload.pdf file <2MB, one 8x11 letter page.: https://meeting-info.org/wp-content/uploads/elementor/forms/622146b9edfd0.pdf<br>Name of First Author: Diego<br>Name of Presenting Author: Alves Gouveia<br>Co-authors: Liu, X.,<br />Apituley, A.,<br />Dusek, U.,<br />Henzing, B.,<br>Primary Topic: 9. Synergistic use of multiple instruments and techniques, networks and campaigns<br>Secondary Topic: 10. Model validation and assimilation using lidar data<br>Keywords: Aerosols, Boundary Layer<br>Comments or Questions: <br>GDPR Agreement: I consent to having this website store my submitted information so they can respond to my request. (General Data Protection Regulation): on<br>
<p>Email ILRC30-support@espo.nasa.gov with any questions or updates </p>
</p><br>---<br><br>Date: March 3, 2022<br>Time: 2:52 pm<br>Page URL: https://meeting-info.org/ilrc-30/forms/ilrc-abstract/<br>User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/15.0 Safari/605.1.15<br>Remote IP:<br>Powered by: Elementor<br>