WB-57F 28 July 2002 Flight Summary 1) The WB-57F completed its second-to-last Florida flight today (Sunday, 28 July 2002). Upon takeoff, the aircraft headed east towards a significant latitudinal gradient in tropopause height, climbing to maximum altitude in the process. Due to unusually warm temperatures, the aircraft was only able to climb to 57.2 kft, whereupon it executed a couple of legs at different altitudes in the lower stratosphere. Following the stratospheric legs, the WB-57F joined the other CRYSTAL-FACE aircraft in an extensive sampling of two convective systems on the western Florida coast. During the anvil encounters, the WB-57F executed several spiral descents and ascents. On the return to Key West, a brief encounter with a liquid water cloud provided a useful calibration point for some of the instruments. 2) The WB-57F departed Key West at 2:29 pm EDT and returned at 7:51 pm EDT. 3) Instrument performance on the flight was again excellent, with nearly all instruments obtaining science-quality data. 4) The next, and last, Florida-area flight opportunity is set for Monday, 29 July. Looking ahead to the transit flight on Wednesday, 31 July, we are planning a takeoff time of 9:30 am EDT Randy and Dave