WB-57F 23 July 2002 Flight Summary 1) Yesterday's flight was perhaps the most intensive investigation of a single anvil system achieved by the WB-57F during the CRYSTAL-FACE deployment. The aircraft spent better than four hours (most of it in cirrus) flying between the Lake Okeechobee and western ground site areas in excellent coordination with the other CRYSTAL-FACE aircraft. The WB-57F was able to encounter its own contrail several times on the various flight legs. These encounters should prove to be very interesting, as the contrails appear to have been embedded in the anvil cirrus. An interesting air mass, with significant stratospheric character, was encountered near the end of the flight at a relatively low altitude. Identifying the origin of this air mass represents an important challenge. 2) The plane took off at 2:31 pm EDT, and returned to base at 8:18 pm EDT. 3) The next flight opportunity is Thursday morning. A WB-57F briefing to discuss the next flight will take place at 4:00 pm EDT on Wednesday. Randy and Dave