Proteus Flight # 178 9 July, 2002 Objectives: Underflight of Terra satellite while achieving coincident observations from Proteus, ER-2, and WB-57 over western Caribbean near Yucatan peninsula. Proteus overflight of Citation over Crystal-Face western ground site contributing to tropical cirrus cloud characterization. Summary: Proteus takeoff was at 14:28 GMT, underflight of Terra while having measurement coincidence with the other aircraft occurred at 16:34 GMT, and landing was at 22:27 GMT. NAST-I performance was nominal and recorded data from 14:51 GMT to 21:59 GMT. NAST-M recorded data between 14:14 GMT and 22:22 GMT; nominal performance was achieved throughout most of the flight, however, the 183 GHz channels did have anomalous performance during a portion of the flight. The 425 GHz channels were not installed prior to this flight. Note that the problem with the 183 GHz channels was fixed prior to the next flight. FIRSC operated nominally throughout the on period from 14:30 to 22:22 GMT. RSP was powered up at 14:35 GMT and was deactivated at 22:17 GMT, and achieved nominal instrument performance throughout this data taking period. POLDER was powered up at 14:30 GMT and was turned off at 22:22 GMT; data were recorded during 17:15 – 18:20 GMT; around one hour of data were recorded before this time period, but these are without GPS data until co-registration with other sensors can be achieved post-mission.