Proteus Flight # 177 7 July, 2002 Objectives: Proteus flew over the western Crystal-Face ground site contributing to tropical cirrus cloud characterization with the other Project aircraft. Summary: Proteus takeoff was at 15:33 GMT. NAST-I performance was nominal and recorded data from 15:55 GMT to 21:37 GMT. NAST-M recorded data between 15:22 GMT and 21:54 GMT; nominal performance was achieved throughout the flight. FIRSC operated nominally throughout the on period from 15:35 to 21:54 GMT. RSP was powered up at 15:37 GMT and was deactivated at 21:48 GMT, and achieved nominal instrument performance throughout this data taking period. POLDER was powered up at 15:35 GMT and was turned off at 21:56 GMT; data were recorded during the 16:30 – 17:15 GMT and 18:15 – 20:15 GMT time periods. Proteus landed at 22:02 GMT.